New Year's Updates on Cases

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While celebrating New Years with my loved ones, I couldn't help, but wonder how the families of the victims were ushering in another year with little hope of getting answers. So I decided to sit down and see if anything new has happened since I started this in June. So buckle up and we'll see what is in store for us. 

Lisa Handlon Kopanakis

No updates were available for this case. Numerous Facebook pages and groups have posted write-ups similar to what can be found in the first chapter of this book. No new interviews or statements from family or friends have been given. 

Burger Chef Murders of 1978

The Indy Star ran a story related to this case on November 21 of 2017. The story highlighted the mood that surrounded Speedway in the days following the murders of the the four young people. Parents at the time were fearful to let their children play outdoors. At the time Caroline Friedt, the mother of one the victims, encouraged parents to not shelter their children because of the heinous crime. She wanted children to be able to enjoy their freedom. Sadly, Mrs. Friedt passed away in 2012 at the age of 80 without justice for her daughter. 

The Dunes State Park Three

No new updates were available on this case. This is unsurprising because the amount of time that has elapsed since the disappearance of the three women. Many theories continue to swirl around online forums. Sadly, we may never know the truth. 

I-65 Serial Killer

No new articles have been published on this case since I covered it. The Already Gone Podcast did put out an episode on this case in April. I have not listened to the episode, but will put a link in the sources below in case you want to check it out. I have added the episode to my list of episodes to listen to. 

Wilma Cheek 

The last article about this case was published in 2015. Like many other cases, write-ups of the this case have appeared numerous times on Facebook. 

William Montgomery 

No news is available. I had been excited. When I was researching this case to give an update and a newspaper incorrectly dated an article from 2008 as being from November 21, 2017. I hope that this case receives justice soon. Mr. Montgomery left two children and a loving wife behind when he was murdered. 

Denise Pflum

Some individuals who claim to be psychics have written what they believe happened to Ms. Pflum in recent years. These statements can easily be found by googling the case. I will not include the statements of psychics in cases in which investigators have not opted to seek psychic help. 

Holly Anderson

No new information available. 

Lauren Spierer

The Indy Star ran an "update" article on November 8, 2017. The article restated everything known about the case and tries to draw ties between Lauren Spierer's case and the case of Hannah Wilson. Many believe that Daniel Messel, who killed Hannah Wilson, is responsible for the disappearance of Lauren. 

On New Years day, Lauren's mother wrote a heartfelt statement on the Facebook page that the family runs in hopes of justice for their missing daughter. I will paste the statement in. 

"A private investigator said to me early in Lauren's investigation, "It's easy to remember the truth but it's hard to remember the lies." I will never forget that statement because we know lies have been forgotten leaving only the haunting, unspoken truth.

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