Chapter 8 The upcoming Festival

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Alright guys I'm back with another chapter of depression, love, abuse, suicide, and foreshadowing!!I really hope you like this kind of stuff, cause this is the the next 4 chapters.Im already planning out the next ones!

Your POV

The first part of the day went by slow mainly due to everyone asking about Sayori and how I was doing since I was also affected by the incident.I was actually really excited to tell Sayori about how many people cared about her and were worried about her, that and later on when she gets out I can give her, her birthday present.

I was walking through the hallway on my way to my locker, once I got there I opened it up and started going through it.That was until I felt someone hug me from behind, part of me wanted it to be Natsuki but....I had an odd feeling.A bad and Nervous one..."Are you not even going to turn around?"Once I heard that voice I realized that it was just Alexia, one my friends that I'm pretty sure had a crush on me.Whenever she was around she would act a little flirty here and there, but usually I would ignore her acts.Sure she might be one of the girls that some guys would consider lucky to be with but she just never seemed to get my interest.

I turned around to see her still hugging, so I returned the hug and said."Hi...." "You're still messed up from the incident, it's alright."She said as she pressed her head against my chest, I kinda felt nervous but I didn't know why.She then released me and we started to chat a little but when I closed my locker I saw a fight start to happen in the corner of vision, I turned and looked and the first thing I saw was a guy trying to defend his girl from another girl.....I then turned and saw a glimpse of pink hair running off.Natsuki.....

It was 9th period and I was currently sitting outside of class, since I had missed 2 weeks of school I had to take all of my test, quizzes, everything I missed.I was bored out of my mind, and didn't know what to do.Then I remembered that I could sketch some drawings of the banners until I realized that I didn't even know if we were going to have banners....So I just decided to just get my work done instead of trying to procrastinate....

Monika's POV

It was 9th period and i was thinking of what happened to Sayori, I wa-no, we were all really worried about her.I don't even know what would drive her to do something like that at all, she was never bullied, or humiliated, and she was never caught in dram-what if she was rejected by Y/N....if he broke her heart I'm going to be so pissed.I already know that all of us have a crush on Y/N.....My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the school bell which signaled us that school was over.I got up, packed all of my things and headed for the Literature Club.

I was the first one to make it to the club and a little bit later the others made except Sayori of course.Y/N came in last and once he did I didn't even let him place his stuff down and I took him outside to talk to him.Once we were outside of the classroom I said."I'm going to slap you if you lie to me, after I ask you this question!" "What!Why!" "Why is Sayori missing school and did you break her heart!!?" I asked him in a anger tone, but when I asked him that he seemed confused and heartbroken."I didn't break her heart, I promise.Two weeks ago she tried to kill her self and if I was not there then she wouldn't be here.....she was diagnosed with Depression....

After hearing this I then understood why she would always act weird and would always sleep in and wouldn't want to answer questions that she guessed were people being suspicious about her."O-o my god, is she ok!?"I asked in a worried tone."She's ok, she's starting to get better and is slowly starting to become herself again." "Alright then, thank you for not breaking her heart...." "Wait, does Sayori have a crush on me?" My first thought was how could he not have realized this until now, and does he not like us like we like him? "Yes, and how could you not realize that until now!" "Sorry, it's just that...I already have my eyes on someone else....." Hear this made me excited and Nervous.

"Who is it!?" I asked excitedly. "If I say their name, I'm worried that you'll tell her and then she'll know."Only hearing this made me even more hopefully that it's me that he loves!! "Please!Tell me!!" "I'll give you a hint, it's one of the girls that I know, not just the Literature Club, And you know her!" With that done he left me to wonder You it could be and then it hit.....Natsuki.....He's always hanging around Natsuki.I don't know why it would be Natsuki, maybe it's because she's his type.Oh well looks like I'll just have to win him over then, goodluck Natsuki.....

Your POV

After talking with Monika I rendered the classroom, said hi to Yuri, and then headed towards the closet as I knew Natsuki would be there.

I got to the closet and walked in to see Natsuki sitting down on the floor against a couple of boxes that were facing toward me.I walked over towards her but she seemed like she wasn't aware of my presence so I got closer and saw that she was asleep, I crouched down next to her and gently nudged her.She looked so cute Sleeping, as much as I didn't want to wake her, I nudged her again and this time she gently started to wake up.Once she was fully awake she then said.

"Y/N?!"I smiled at her reaction and said."Hey Natsuki!" I said as she lunged at me while hugging me."Why were gone for so long!?You missed like 2 weeks of school!You scared me you idiot!"She said as she hugged me tighter and I could little tears fall onto my shoulder, I hugged her back and said."Natsuki.....I'm sorry, I'm sorry.I don't want to go into detail as to why I was gone for so long but I was caught up an a Incident that left me and Sayori shaken up.....I missed you and you were....scared?" I asked a little surprised at how she went from not wanting to be vulnerable to being worried me a little....

After a few minutes of us just sitting there, I wiped her tears and we started chatting like we used to, but deep down I knew that things will never be the same after what happened....We continued chatting for a good seven more minutes until Monika called out to everybody.

We all gathered around a table started to discuss about the school Festival."Alright so the school Festival is in one week, and we need to have everything planned out!"Monika said in leader like tone."So let's brainstorm!Any ideas?" "We could do a snack stand if people get hungry..."Yuri said."Hmm...Natsuki, you're good at baking right?" "Umm yeah, why?" "You can bake some food." "Wait, for over 100 people!!Im going to need help!!" "'re right, Y/N you can help Natsuki with Baking!" "Sure!" "Monika, we're going to need more people to help us with this Festival..."

Yuri said as everybody nodded agreeing with her.Monaki sat there trying to think, until I spoke up."How about we get all of the other clubs to help, and in return they can add in their ideas and maybe we can actually do this.Cause to be honest, there's no way to hold a School Festival by just five people.Were going to need a couple dozen people to help us and get this done.Plus it'll be faster!"I said as everybody's eyes lit up with hope and agreement."That's... actually not a bad idea, so yeah we'll do that.Y/N and I will go around asking the other clubs for help and...hopefully they agree, because otherwise this Festival will never happen!"Monika said as we all stood up as it was time to go.

As I was walking Natsuki home I thought to myself, Well looks like we have everything planned out for this Festival, this is going to one busy week....

I really hope you guys liked the chapter and the next one will be out by sometime during the weekend hopefully, because honestly I'm currently taking STARR practice tests in school and I'm super nervous for wensday because of that personal thing, and im going to Start on Episode two of a series on YouTube "The Marble Mations".So yeah I have a lot going on but I'm fighting to scary balanced, Ive been talking too long alright guys.BYE

A Message form Monika:You're probably reading this while laying down in bed, sitting, or somewhere comfortable, but I just wanted to say that the peak of the plot has began and you will want to hang on as you will wittiness the power of this story as a chain of events will began....

A story is like life, it has its ups and downs until you can't hang on anymore....Natsuki


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