Chapter Four

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Harry threw his items into his trunk and slowly looked out the door, seeing no one he cast a quick charm to silence his steps and started down the stairs.

"Merlin, I'm a horrible person." He heard Sirius say from the kitchen. Harry rolled his eyes, now they realize? Just as he was leaving? Not much help to him anymore.

"We should find him. After I... saw him, he went back into his room." Sirius said to him after a second of silence.

They were going to look for him? He should hurry up and get out of here then. He ran out the door, opening and closing it quietly as possible. He got outside the wards set on the house to protect Ivy. He looked around for a second and seeing nobody, he apparated to the only place he could think of, The Leaky Cauldron. He learned to apparate only a year ago, since then he had finally perfected it, even though he was not able to use it much.

The feeling of apparating had been a bit terrifying at first, mostly because Harry was slightly claustrophobic. It was still horrible to him, but he had gotten used to it, like everything else in his life.

The feeling stopped and he stood near the Leaky Cauldron, he couldn't apparate inside because of the wards, nor could just apparate right outside because muggles could possibly see him. So, instead, he apparated to a alley not to far from it. He quickly walked towards the pub.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Said a man from behind Harry. It was a man, he was fairly tall and had a bald head. He looked like he was in his early sixtys and Harry guessed he was the owner or at least worked here.

"Hello, I would like to stay in a room for a few days." Harry informed him. The man looked at him quizically.

"Are your parents here?" He asked Harry.

"That'd be a amazing phenomenon." Harry mumbled.

"What was that?" The man asked him.

"No they're not, I'm here alone." Harry told him.

"Aren't you a bit young to be renting a room for yourself." He questioned, looking slightly confused.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I guess." He told him.

"Maybe you should get your parents." He said. Harry inwardly rolled his eyes.

"That's fine. I can deal with being by myself for a few days." Harry said, smiling tightly.

"Well okay then." He said, looking at him skeptically. "Follow me." He added.

Harry nodded and followed him up the stairs to where the rooms were. They walked in and Harry didn't take the time to look around, he thanked the store manager and took the trunk out of his pocket, growing it till it was back to normal.

He sighed and fell face forward onto his bed. Suddenly, he became aware of what he had just done. He ran from his 'home' he was nine, what was he supposed to do? He was to impulsive. He laid down and decided he would figure out what to do when he woke back up.


He woke up abruptly, frightened for a second, not recognizing his surroundings. Then everything from the day before came back to him. His heart stopped for a second, he hadn't had time to think about what he had done before he did it. He was glad, he decided. He hated that house, and everyone there hated him.

He smiled to himself and went to his trunk to grab a few items from it. He took a quick shower then attempted to fix it unruly hair, after he decided he did the best he could he brushed his teeth then put his stuff away. He grabbed out an outfit and quickly got changed into it.

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