Vindicator of Starlandia

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"I just love our birthdays," Diane said, licking an ice cream. "Especially these annual trips to Starlandia."

"So do I," Alexis smiled.

The twins were turning nineteen that day. And since they were little, there was a ritual connected to their birthdays - visiting Starlandia, a space-themed amusement park located in Serenity Square. The whole park was built in sci-fi, astronautics and cyberpunk themes. The rides were usually shiny and metallic, with gondolas resembling rockets or space modules.

Trip to the park felt like a step into the distant future further emphasized by flickering lights and electronic music. The themes of space, robots, rockets and aliens could be seen everywhere and even souvenirs and food stands matched the theme. For example, the ice cream flavors were named after planets. Diane picked Mercury (vanilla) and Uranus (coconut).

Both girls had some great memories regarding this place. When they were children, Reverend Warren went with them and even though he didn't enjoy any of the rides ("I prefer my life with a low adrenaline level, thank you"), he never ruined the fun and always bought his adoptive daughters something nice; some food, sweets and a souvenir. When the girls entered their teen years, they started to go alone. The tradition was broken only in one case - during the year Diane was a part of a gang of deliquents. She still regretted it.

This time, however, they weren't completely alone. The trip was usually purely sisterly ride, but this year, Anna joined them. Diane agreed that she's basically a part of their family since she's dating Alexis and they will most probably marry in the future. Anna enjoyed the park even though her impairment prevented her to enjoy most of the rides. There were also a lot of amusements and, of course, food which Anna could enjoy without minding her limitations.

The clouds were covering the sun and it looked like it may start raining soon, but the girls didn't mind. If it started to rain, they could just enjoy some of the indoor rides or enter a restaurant. Besides that, the overcast sky only made Starlandia's lights and atmosphere more prominent.

"What are we gonna try now?" Diane smirked. They already tried several adrenaline rides and even though Alexis wouldn't admit it, the centrifuges and rollercoasters made her queasy. Diane was already aware of this fact and was willing to put the knowledge to good use, taking advantage that Alexis can't refuse so she won't look weak in Anna's eyes.

"What about shopping for souvenirs?" Alexis suggested. They just got off a ride called Rise and Fall which was basically a high tower to which was attached a long metal pole with a cabin on each end, rotating vertically on its axis. Alexis was still pale, with shaky legs.

"We can shop later," Diane smirked. "Now it's time for some wind in the hair!"

Anna was already aware of her girlfriend's weakness, too. "If I didn't know you, Lexie, I'd say that these rides mess with your stomach," she mocked.

"I'm fine with them," Alexis tried to keep her dignity. "I just... have headache when I overdo it. Let me just take a short break and we can continue!"

"I guess we should let her rest," Anna smiled at Diane. "We don't want her to have a migraine on this great day, right? Oh God, you're nineteen already. You're getting old!"

"Sure we are," Diane replied. "Soon, I'll start listening to brass music and complaining about today's kids."

Alexis kept looking for a more peaceful ride so she could rest a little before taking on some more extreme one. She pointed at a hangar-like building decorated to look like sunset with the name Into the Unknown written on it. "What about this?" Alexis pointed at it.

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