Chapter 14 ~ So Cold

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Even Death has a Heart

All rights reserved.

Copyright © RaddyMaddy 


Stephanie's POV. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see the sun light peeking out from the red currents. I turned my body to face the other side only to see a peaceful face, my beloved boyfriend, Thomas who was sleeping in my bed. His black hair was messed up covering half of his face, he was adorable. A smile grew on my face as I pushed the pieces of hair away from his face, then I gave him a kiss on the forehead, & crawled out of bed. I made my way down the stairs, walked into the kitchen to smell the wonderful scent of BACON! Sorry I just LOVE bacon ^////^ 

Anyway I walked into the kitchen to see Tarros cooking food over the stove; I walked over to the coffee pot, & poured myself some coffee. "Morning Tarros." I said. Tarros turned around surprised, smiled & said.

"Good morning my lady. Just making breakfast for you & the master." He turned back facing the already cooked bacon, he grabbed a plate, & set the bacon on the table with another plate in front of me. Taros placed bacon, pancakes, eggs, & toast with a side of orange juice.

"Thanks." I said, & began eating my breakfast. Tarros had been visiting the world of the living for quit some times. He only comes during the weekends when Thomas wasn't busy with his grim reaper duties. Can't blame them, if you're the servant of Death then you're ALWAYS busy, & if you're Death you never have a break, it's a non-stop job.

"Hey Tarros, can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Yes, Stephanie." Tarro said as he set himself down on a chair next to me.

"Okay. If you were Thomas, & I asked to sell my soul to him, what would you be your reaction?" I said gripping onto the coffee mug.  Tarros become very quiet, his expression turned into an unsettle form. He rubbed the back of his neck & said.

"Well... For starters why would you want to sell your soul in the first place? Secondly why now?" Tarros said. Lately I've been thinking of selling my soul so that I can stay with Thomas forever, I can't keeping going back & forth in 2 worlds, I'm tired of being stuck in both worlds. I need to belong in 1 world, & chose to be in the after life with Thomas so I can live in peace without having to worry about hurting anyone I care about or being hurt by other people. I can't... do this anyone... I just can't.

"You see Tarros. I've going back & forth in 2 worlds for the pass 3 months, & I'm getting tired of doing it. I don't want to live in both worlds without hurting the people I care the most or being hurt by people. I want feel belonged, & feel like I belong in the after life with Thomas so that I can rest in peace with him forever." I lift my eyes to him. "That's why I want to do."

*Sigh* "Are you sure about this, you can't change your mind after it's done." I gave him a long & hard stare, he knew that I was serious about my chose. He nodded, & said. "well if that's what you want, then so be it. I won't judge." He smiled, & I smiled, & enjoyed the rest of my morning.


I opened my eyes to find out that I fell asleep during class. I quickly lifted my head before the teacher could see me sleeping. It was finals week, & I was taking my math final, & boy was I tried from all the studying last night. 

After the bell rang I got up from my seat, gave my test to my teacher & headed out the door where I found Meg waiting for me with her new boyfriend, Micheal hanging his arms around her shoulder. Sometimes I feel like I'm the third wheel, but nah... I knew Micheal well, so it really didn't matter to me much. "Hey Steph. How was the math final?"

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