Chapter Twenty Five

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I was pretty excited for tomorrow

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I was pretty excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and apparently that's when the gift exchange occurred.

The person I got originally upset me, but in the end I realized that it could work in my favor!

So I decided to quickly take care of that, and spend the rest of the day lounging around and snickering at the people who were still making their gifts.

First, I made my rounds to Hayley's room.

"Knock, knock," I called through the door.

A second later, a blonde figure pulled it open for me, and I was immediately taken back by the look of pure distress on her face.

"What on earth happened to you?" I asked, dumbfounded.

She sighed heavily, and stepped aside to allow me entrance into her room.

What I was was quite surprising. All over the room were scattered papers, crumpled up construction paper, and all sorts of art supplies.

"What on earth..." I trailed off, needing a moment to take in the pure disaster that was her room. "Was there a tornado I didn't know about?"

"I'm a wreck!" Hayley cried out, burying her head in her hands. "I have absolutely no idea what to do!"

"When in doubt, write a poem?" I suggested. "Think of what their person likes, and go off that."

"But I don't know what they like!" Hayley cried. "This is a disaster. Christmas is RUINED!"

"Calm down!" I ordered. "Here. If you don't know what they like, think of the thing you associate them with the most. Sound good?"

She thought for a minute. Then she nodded reluctantly. "Ok. Thanks."

"All in a days work for me," I said, brushing my hands together.

Then I walked out the door, satisfied.

Next on the list was Carson, whose room was the closest to where I already was.

"Knock, knock," I sang at his door.

He took a little bit longer to open his door, but when he did, he threw it open with a large smile.

"Aileen!" He exclaimed. "Welcome! What brings you to my humble abode?"

"The spirit of Christmas," I drawled. "What are doing?"

"Working on my secret Santa gift," He told me, as I'd suspected.

"What are you making," I asked, attempting to peek over his shoulder and into the room, but quick as lightening, he stepped in front of me.

"No peeking," He winked. "It's a secret."

I huffed, crossing my arms. "Yeah, only I already know who you have. Probably."

"Really?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Who?"

"I can't tell you! It ruins the surprise!" I protested.

His face scrunched together. "For me? Because obviously I already know who I have."

I snorted. "Maybe."

There was a pause.

"Well, better get back to my working," Carson said.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he quickly shut the door.

I blew out an angry breath. That didn't go as planned.

Well, time to move on I guess.

I walked past Camille's door and debated with myself whether I should enter or not.

I didn't know her that well, so I didn't really care what she was doing, but I figured I may as well spy on her.

"Knockity knock knock," I said through her door.

"What?" She called back.

"Knockity knock knock!" I said again, raising my voice.




A moment later the door was pushed open.

Camille stood smiling at me, and I was instantly suspicious.

"Why are you smiling," I said nervously.

"Why not?" She countered. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and that night Santa comes."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Can't wait for an old fat man to break into my house."

"Did you need something?" She asked, looking around as if someone else were behind me.

"Nope, just to-"

"Ok bye!"

And another door was shut in my face.


By the time I reached Jacob's door, I was already in a bad mood.

"Knock, knock," I called.

A second passed. "Who's there?"

"It's me," I said impatiently.

"Me who?"


I heard him mutter, "Geez" before he turned to the door and opened it a tiny crack.

"Who goes there?" He asked, peeking at time through the crack.

"Do you not have eyes? It's Aileen."

"Hmmmm..." He clicked his tongue. "Nope, doesn't ring a bell. Goodbye!"

He tried to close the door quickly, my my hand shot out and caught it, and I wrenched it open, revealing him in his messy room.

Jacob stared at me in shock. "What, are you some kind of weightlifter or something?"

"Or something," I said, pushing past him and walking into his room. "I'm on a mission."

"What kind?" He inquired, turning back to face me.

"The mysterious kind," I answered. "What's up?"

"Oh you know, partying, the usual," He answered casually.

"I see," I said, silently scanning his room. Ruffled blue sheets, trash on the floor, and open windows. No signs of partying here, I tell you. "How's Secret Santa going?"

"Ok, I think," He told me, looking down at the floor and shuffling his feet. "Kinda hard, but I think it's ok."

Dang it. "Is that all?"

"Well, pretty much."

Well this was a waste. There was no entertainment here whatsoever.

So I just left without another word, heading to the kitchen.

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