Chapter 16 : Falling

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Successfully made another Monday update! Woohoo!

Enjoy :D


Mrs. Blades' eyes glanced back and forth from Alexander and I as she watched for our reactions.

"If what I said is the case, both of you must be careful of who you trust."

I closed my eyes for just a short moment. "I'll check into our systems, see if anyone hacked in."

"If there's someone that betrayed our trust here in headquarters, we'll find them," Alexander assured his mother with a stiff nod.

"I will get you the unredacted file as soon as I can, but I can probably get it tomorrow morning at the earliest." She sighed and winced slightly in pain. "The safe the file is in needs my eye, finger, and voice."

"I understand." I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to contemplate what to do next, but the thought that I could have really lost Mr. and Mrs. Blades today continuously invaded my mind and made it hard for me to do so.

I must have spaced out, because Mrs. Blades eyed me with genuine concern in those bright hazel eyes of hers. "Are you really okay, Vita?"

I nodded, but I couldn't meet her gaze as the tears began to form in my eyes.

"Come a little closer to me, dear."

I scooted a little closer to her like she asked, as she pulled me into a warm motherly embrace.

"You don't have to put up that strong facade in front of me, Vita. What's bothering you?"

A tear fell down my cheek as I laid my head on her shoulder, liked I've done so many times for as long I could remember. "This wasn't what I was expecting when I was able to come home. Mom and dad are gone, and we're no closer to finding them than we were on the first day of this case. I just keep thinking, what if we didn't get to you guys in time?" I swallowed a lump in my throat as another tear rolled down my face. "Mr. Blades still isn't out of surgery. I can't lose you too."

Mrs. Blades rubbed my back, waiting for me to calm down, as she remained silent for a few moments. "Look at me, my dear."

I closed my eyes to calm myself down, and then lifted my head up look into her eyes. "We are closer to finding your parents, Vita, and my husband will come out of that surgery because he is one of the strongest man I know. You can't keep thinking of the what ifs. We're both alive and going to be fine because you both came in time." She gave me a smile. "Besides, I refuse to die before I see my grandchildren. Will that be anytime soon?"

I could feel my face reddening in mortification. "I-uh... we... um..."

"Hmm, I don't think that was a yes." She gave a disappointed sigh with amusement twinkling in her eyes. "Alexander, please take her home and take care of her arm."

"My arm is fine, Mrs. Blades. A nurse patched me up." I shrugged away from her and stood up next to the bed, close to Alexander. "And we'll leave as soon as we know Mr. Blades is okay."

Mrs. Blades didn't bother to look at me as she eyed her son. "Make sure she's really okay."

Alexander stood next to me and leaned forwards to plant a kiss on his mother's cheek. "Don't worry, I'll take care of her."

"Just a quick question." Mrs. Blades began. "Are you both really engaged or already married?"

I froze absolutely still and kept my gaze on the ground, standing like a child being interrogated for stealing extra sweet treats.

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