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Hey guys! Please read the super important note at the end of the chapter... Enjoy ❤

Jasons pov

3 hours earlier:

I'm finally going to propose to Amelia.

I have loved her since the first time I saw her and I was just waiting for the perfect day to propose!

What other day could be more perfect than Valentines?

I have so much planned for tomorrow!  My wolf and I are bubbling with excitement! 

Currently, I'm on my way to Amelias house. Its getting dark and if I really want things to go they way I've planned then I'm gonna have to sleep at her place.

There's really no need for me to knock, we were well past that.

I enter the house and I hear voices coming from the bedroom.

Damn, Is she watching porn again? And the way I promised myself that I will remain pure tonight. Damn! She's gonna make it usual.

I get close to the door and see that it's slightly ajar,  I peep to see Amelia on top of a pack warrior riding him as if her life depended on it...

My heart is crushed but for some reason, I can't look away.

" Do you love him Amy? " he asks.

" No!" She replies  instantly.

" then why are you with him then! Why are you with the beta?" He asks forcefully while making love to her.

I listen closely to this one still holding on to the hope that she might love me as much as I love her!

" Only for his beta position. After he makes me the beta female, I will kill him and make you my beta!" She says immediately.

So, all this time she was just faking?

I opened my heart out to her and she threw it into the flames of hell and not even ashes will remain.. I have no heart.

From now on I'll be colder than ice!

I told her about my past thinking she understood but now I realise that it was all a fake..

I kick open the door just to let them know I saw everything.

" Care to join us?" She asks and I feel disgust for having been with such a slut.

I leave and for the first time in a long time,  I cry...

I transform into my wolf (Shadow ) and I run trying to feel anything but the pain in my chest.

It feels as though someone ripped my heart open and coated it with silver and put it back into my body.

Never again will I ever love a woman! Never again!

How could the one woman I trusted do that to me?

My thoughts are interrupted by the smell of vanilla and strawberry...

The pain in my chest lessens and I decide to follow that smell..

When I get to where the smell is thicker, I also smell blood..

Blood? What happened here?

As I get closer,  I see a figure lying there all bloody and for some reason it pains me to see her this way.

I get closer and Shadows voice keeps chanting these words :



Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for any inconvenience but wattpad messed up my chapters and the chapter that follows after this is called accept, please read that chapter next and then come back and continue with rules so that you won't be confused..

Thanks so much ❤

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- Alegna 😘

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