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Journal #14(day 37)

I was attacked! Okay, with words, not like bear jumped me or something. So I hade a family session today. Tyler, Emily, and Audrey came. I walked in and sat down. I didn't feel good, and still don't.

Tyler: How are you?
I just nodded. I feel like I lit a fuse or something, because he exploded. I mean completely flipped out.
Tyler: You're so disrespectful.
I jump, he had knives stabbing me. Kayla looked at me and then back at Tyler.
Me: What the hell are you talking about?
Tyler: Watch you language. I asked you a question.
Me: Whatever.
Emily: You don't speak to him like that.
Me: Why? He talks to me like that.
Audrey: You're so stupid.
Me: Shut up.
Audrey: If I don't, you'll what? Like seriously what are you going to do? Slap me?
I have hit her once in our entire life. I regret it, but she deserved it. She's the reason I am here in the first place.

Side story:

Okay so after that night I got smashed, I was obviously grounded. Tyler decided to open every curtain in my room and let the room have some light, intensifying my hangover. I finally decided to get out of bed and shower.

As I was putting Neosporin on my open cuts. Audrey barged in her face turned white. Shade started yelling, "You're disgusting." I told her to stop. I mean doesn't she know that I know that I know that I'm disgusting. "Are you crazy? What are you thinking?" I asked her to quiet down but she just got louder. I asked her what she wanted. She just kept repeating "Oh my god."

"Just shut up," I screamed at her.

Then she became hateful, "If I don't? You won't eat? You'll cut yourself? Oh no, maybe you'll run away and then come home drunk."

"You walked in on me!" I snapped.
"Oh my god."
"Shut up!"
"You're so disgustingly ugly."
"Audrey stop!"
"The truth hurts." My face was burning, I didn't even realize I slapped her until she was crying and screaming for Tyler and emily. They rushed into the bathroom Audrey's face was red. I was just standing there in a t shirt and my underwear.
Three hours later Tyler and Emily knew everything. They made some calls. The next day I was here.
Okay so back the family session.

I was pounced on by three people.
Tyler: You always put me in this situation. It's always about you. Blah, blah, blah.
I heard nothing Emily said, she was just so sad.
Audrey shocked me, she looked me straight in the eye and said: I hate you so much right now.
Me: Oh... Hate is a strong words.
Audrey: That's why I used it.
I just rolled my eyes.
Audrey: I hate what you do. I hate that you are here, and I hate that you don't care.
I just stood up and walked out the door.

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