Chapter. 12

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Nicole Vargas

"Shut up!" I yelled out as Ethan and I got into another heated argument. Tonight we were invited to a party hosted by Rose and I didn't had anything to wear. Of course I was throwing a fit. I can't wear last season clothes to the party, what will people think about me? I'm about to be the next  fashion designer.

Ethan thought it was not necessary for me to  go out and spent some crazy amount of money on a piece of fabric. I also wanted to get my hair done and buy new shoes. I am going crazy, I have not go out shopping in so long. This is  so not me.

"I just want to look pretty!" I screamed as I closed the door in front of his face, tears running down my face. "You just don't understand!"

"No, I do not! You have so many dresses, makeup, and shoes. Why do you need to add more to that collection? And you're beautiful in whatever you wear."

I sniffed, pulling the covers of the bed over me. I didn't want to hear anything what comes out of his mouth right now. My mind was foggy and I was angry and tired. Angry, because I didn't get what I want and tired, because I was so done with this life. I hate it so much. I felt like a prisoner. Ethan didn't want to assign a driver for me and he didn't want to give me the keys to the garage.

When I didn't answer, I heard a long tired sigh outside my door. "Open the door. You're angry, talk to me Nicole." His voice was less harsh than before, but I couldn't care less now. He shouldn't had yelled at me. When I didn't respond to him, I heard footsteps and then they were gone. Guess he gave up trying to make everything right.

He always does that after every argument we have. He always tries to make things right. The hell I know why.

If I were him I would have shipped me back to brazil a long time ago. There are times I wish I wasn't like this. I wish I was just like Ethan. I didn't had to worry about what people think or what brand of clothes I wear. But I am not like that, at all. Even if I try I will feel so uncomfortable and anxious.

My eyes suddenly felt heavy and tiredness consumed my body. In no time, my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep.

A knock....A soft knock...Far...Far... away.

Another knock. And another....

My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted with darkness. The balcony door of my room was open and a cold breeze made me shiver. I yawned and kicked the covers off me, to grab my phone to see what time it was.

7:00 PM

Did I slept that long? It was already in the evening. Again I heard the knock against my door. "Miss Vargas, are you there?" I heard Lila ask. "I'm here to give you something."

I stood up from my bed and opened the door. Lila was standing there with a big box in her hand and various designer bags on the floor. I looked questionably at her.

"Mr. Gray told me to bring this upstairs." She said as she walked into my room. "He said you should be ready in an hour."

Now my eyebrows rose in confusion. "Excuse me?" Am I still dreaming?

"I thought I was very clear. Mr. Gray told me you should be ready in an hour for Rose's party."  Lila repeated, placing the big box and designer bags on my bed. "Why do you look so surprised?"

Why? A couple of hours ago we were fighting and suddenly this. I'm so confused. First he didn't want me to go out and buy myself clothes, but now I got clothes delivered. I'm so lost.

"Magnificent! Beautiful ! Exquisite!" A high pitched voice startled me. A man with long blonde curly hair stood at the entrance of my bedroom, looking in complete awe at my room. His eyes found mine and it immediately lit up. "Oeh! Are you my client? Gorgeous baby, gorgeous." He clapped excitedly in his hands and walked over to me. "Marlon, hairdresser and makeup artist."

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