The First Letter

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Authors Note:

This story is going to be kind of different from my other stories because in this story you don't meet the yandere right away and you don't know who the yandere is. Some of you will probably be able to guess and if you do figure it you can put it in the comments but I wont tell you if you are right or wrong. 

The first chapter is short and slow but I promise it gets better later on. I am really looking forward to writing this.


It all started with a simple white envelope taped to the front of our door. Its cream color contrasted with the dark wood door and highlighted the subtle red heart-shaped sticker that sealed the envelope. I took it off the door and brought it inside with the rest of my stuff before placing it on the kitchen counter for my sister. I had no doubt that it must be for her. My twin sister Jessica, older than me by two minutes, was a very outgoing girl. She was sassy and social and a total flirt. She often spent her weekends at school parties with friends while I spent my weekends alone at home curled up on the couch with a good book. It was the way I liked it so I never minded. Although at times I did feel lonely.

Time skip:

Hours past and finally I heard the rattle of the doorknob as the door swung open to reveal my sister Jessica twirling around with three shopping bags on her arm.

"Guess who just bought a new outfit for this weeks party?" She sang. "It's at Natalies and you know how awesome her parties can be!"

I didn't really know a Natalie nor had I ever been to one of her parties but I nodded and acted like I knew what she was talking about. Jessica scoffed at my lack of enthusiasm as she put away her things and ran to the kitchen for food.

"What's this?" She asked as she came out holding the small envelope.

"I don't know. It's for you isn't it?"

"Y/n, don't you know how to read? This has your name on it!" She shoved the envelope in my face and turned it over to reveal the smooth cursive letters spelling my name. I took it gingerly from her hands and looked it over curiously, rereading the letters over and over again to see if there was some sort of mistake.

"Don't leave me hanging here Y/n! Hurry up and open it!" Jessica screeched. I sighed and opened the envelope, pulling out the letter folded inside. As I did so the faint smell of lavender wafted through the air as crumbs of dried flowers fell out of the paper and into my lap.

"You're taking to long!" Jessica groaned as she impatiently ripped the letter from my hands and unfolded it.

"Dear Y/n.." She began. "I know this may be sudden, but I see you at school so often that I can't help but display my feelings. I think you are a real angel. Your charm and beauty know no match and every second I spend near you is a second well lived. I hope one day I will get the courage to say all these things to your face but until then please keep this letter as a reminder of my love. I will love you always. Sincerely, Your Secret Admirer."

My face burned bright red as I listened to the letter all the while Jessica was a giggling mess.

"This is so cheesy!" She said as she finally broke down into a fit of laughs and giggles.

"I think it describes you more than me." I whispered under the ear shot of my older sister.

"I didn't know guys still wrote letters like this." Jessica giggled as she handed me back the envelope.

"Don't you receive love letter all the time?" I asked recalling the dozens of letters I found crumpled in the trash not counting the ones I had been asked to hand deliver by boys in my class.

"Yeah but they're not like this. They are more along the lines of 'I like you. Please be my girlfriend.' or 'You're cute. Want to fuck-'."

I wave my hands around in the air to stop her from talking.

"I don't want to hear that!" I yelled with my face as red as a tomato. Jessica laughed as she brushed her long (h/c) hair out of her face and sauntered back to the kitchen for food.

"You really need to get out more." She said from the kitchen. "How about you come to Natalies party with me this weekend?"

I sweat dropped as a feverishly shook my head no.

"I wouldn't fit in!" I yelled back at her to which she just rolled her eyes and giggled a bit.

"I'm Y/n and I'm antisocial. I hate talking to people." She said mocking me. I glared at her which only caused her to erupt into more laughter as she grabbed her shopping bags and pulled out a short (Favorite color) dress.

"You are going to the party and you are wearing this." she said as she handed me the dress and before I could retaliate she ran off to her room upstairs. I sat on the couch alone as I looked back and forth between the dress and the letter.

"This isn't going to be fun." I muttered as I took both back up to my room and placed them on my desk. 

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