The Party

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This wasn't the first time that my sister had dragged me to one of her all night parties but this was by far one of the worst. People were packed into the house so tightly that you could barely move and their bodies constantly swayed and jumped with the music causing a constant movement that pushed and jostled me around. After a good ten minutes of being squeezed and squished I found an empty corner to take refuge in between the kitchen door and the staircase. At first I was relieved to find an empty spot for myself but then my anxiety kicked in as I got this insane feeling that everyone was starring at me because I didn't belong.

"Its good to see you made it!" A loud voice called at me from over the music. I looked up from starring at my shoes to see a familiar face followed by a pair of steel grey eyes looking down at me. It was that freshmen boy from school, Blake. I quickly took note of his friendly expression and open body language and quickly drew my conclusion.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it!" He yelled as he smiled and shoved a red cup into my hands. Everyone else had a similar looking beverage and while it looked like rootbeer, the pungent odor told me otherwise.

"No thank you!" I said quickly as I tried to hand the drink back to him and when he wouldn't take it I instead put it down on the table beside me. While Blake had his eye fixed on me I desperately tried to look over his shoulder for any sight of my sister, or anyone I knew. 

"Whats wrong? You seem antsy." Blake said. Due to the amount of people in the room our bodies were slowly being pushed closer together as people struggled to move around. He was a bit too close for comfort and that combined with the sheer volume of the room was helping to set in a small panic attack.

"That's the wrong girl, you dumbass!" A female voice yelled above us as a short girl with long hazel hair and big brown doe eyes came walking down the stairs. She leaned over the railing above me and smiled at Blake.

"This....." she pointed down at me. " Y/n. Jessica is over there." She pointed in a direction across the room and I looked over to see my sister standing at the drink counter with a bunch of her friends.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" Blake said to my slightly pissed as he glared and walked over to where Jessica was. I breathed a sigh of relief once he was gone.

"He's such an ass." The girl above me repeated as she descended the rest of the stairs and came to stand next to me. She was tall with long legs and had made an effort to show them off with her short black pencil dress that flared above the knees.

"Thanks." I mumbled, probably way too quiet for her to hear over the music.

"Don't mention it." She said. "I would be careful though since that douche has the hots for your sister. Does getting mistaken for each other like that happen a lot?" She asks. I nod and she smiles as she takes the drink I had put down and swirled the cup in her hands.

"I'm Natalie." She says at last as she extends her hand for me to shake. "This is my party."

"Its a very nice party. It's lots of fun." I say nicely.

"Don't lie! Its obvious Jessica forced you to come."

I blushed slightly as I shifted my gaze down to my feet. 'Was it that obvious that I hated it here?' I looked up as I felt a small hand grab hold of my wrist.

"Follow me." She says cutely as she drags me through the crowd of bodies and out onto the back deck. Several heaters were set up on the back porch and were turned on to full blast so the backyard was warmer than the inside of the house.

"Hey Danny!" Natalie calls out as she drags me across the yard to a quiet corner where a boy my age is tapping away on his phone. He appears to be a bit taller than me with fluffy brown hair combed over to the left side of his face, pale freckled skin, and brown eyes hidden cleverly behind thin framed glasses.

"It doesn't matter how many times you ask Natalie. I am not going into that sea of flesh." The boy says as we approach. He glances up from his phone and gives me a confused look upon seeing me before he turns to face Natalie with a 'who the hell is this?' kind of face.

"Will you relax? I'm not going to make you dance. Instead, you will babysit." Natalie sets me down on the bench next to Danny and pats me lightly on the head. "You two both hate my party so you can wallow out here in self-pity together. Have fun!"

I open my mouth to speak but Natalie quickly turns and runs off as I see her regroup with my sister in the kitchen. Over my shoulder I slowly glance at the boy sitting next to me and flinch as he is starring straight at my face.

"I'm Danny." He says with a small smile and a bow of his head.

"I'm Y/n." I say quietly. Several minutes of silence follows before one of us speaks up again.

"So you hate parties?" He asks.

"I don't 'hate' them exactly. I just don't like all the people." I mutter.

"So you're antisocial?"


"then you're shy?"

"Maybe a little."

I keep fiddling with the hem of my dress as I stare awkwardly at the grass. Next to me Danny has turned off his phone and is gazing casually up at the night sky.

"Are you a friend of Natalies?" I ask, trying to strike up a friendly conversation.

"Something like that. Our parents are friends so we have been joined at the hip since infantry. She's more like an annoying little sister than anything else."

Having nothing else to do and not wanting to go back inside, I continue to talk with Danny. What starts at as casual conversation soon become much more energetic as we find out we have similar likes and hobbies. Two hours in and we are laughing and yelling so loud that people further away on the deck are giving us funny looks. Soon people begin to leave as the party slowly comes to an end.

"Too bad we go to different schools." Danny whines as he rolls around on the grass. "I want to talk to you more."

"If you want we can exchange numbers." I say and then immediately regret it as a clap a hand over my mouth. 'What if he thinks I'm being too forward? What if he thinks I'm weird?' My thoughts of social anxiety quickly melts away as I see him smile widely at me.

"What took you so long? I thought you would never ask!" He says as he quickly writes down his number on a piece of paper and hands it to me. He then skips off with a wave as he runs to help Natalie clean up from the party. I smile gleefully as I clutch the paper to my chest and run off to the car where Jessica is impatiently waiting.


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