7+ Thoughts of Levi (Levi's POV)

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It's almost painful now to be away from her. I find myself yearning for her touch more than usual. Maybe it's just the progression of our relationship or the fact that I fall more in love with her each day.

My heart almost burst out my chest when she handed my gift. I didn't need presents, her smile could count for the greatest gift but the one sheet handed me made me smile from ear to ear.

She told me she had been looking for the perfect thing to give me. She was so scared I would hate to so she made me wait until I dropped her home for me to open it.

She was being melodramatic, by now she should know anything she gives me I would like. After it all its the thought that counts.

I waited untill I was alone in my room to open her gift. My toes curled in anticipation and a giddy smile reached my lips.

It had Hadley's ha writing written on the outside of the mason jar. I opened it and pull out the chain with a ring on it. A not was attached to it.

I wasn't sure what to get you but I think this will suffice. I want you to know that not only you promise yourself to me but just promise myslef to you. I love you.

A smile broke out on my face and I squirmed not knowing what to do with my limbs. She loved me..she loved me. I have to be dreaming, right? Because in what universe do I get the most perfect girl.

I sigh and open the rest of the gift. Color full pieces of paper were in it, labeled from one to 10. I look out the first.

1. I promise to love you for ever.

2. I promise to stay but your side.

3. I promise to understand you.

4. I promise to be a shoulder you can come to for comfort.

5. I promise that it will always be you.

6. I promise to think of you when I sleep.

7. I promise to be your favourite hello and your hardest goodbye

8. I promise that there will never be a goodbye.

9. I promise to build a life with you.

10. I promise to experience so many firsts with you.

I was longing for more but sadly it was over. She's was promising things that may not happen but I can't think like that, I need to think in the present.

Hastily, I pick up my phone and call her. "Did you mean everything you wrote?" I ask as soon as she answers.

"Yes, I'm sorry it took so long for m to realize it."

I smile. "Live in the moment, Love." I pause and grin. "And at this moment you love me."

I hear her sigh into the phone, she was probably tired." I always will love you." She says lethargically.

"Get some rest love."

"Good night Levi."

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