Chapter 20: The Jail Bird

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After yesterday's assembly, my day is filled with repeating the same story over and over again to many different people. I was forced to talk to another police officer, our lawyer, the school councilor and my doctor. My dad was forced to hear the story of how his daughter was possibly raped over and over again, every time bringing him to tears. It's terrible watching any man cry, watching your hard-ass dad break down is gut-wrenching. But the worst was when he told my mom. I couldn't bring myself to do it, I just sat in their bed as my dad held me on his lap and told her. She has been crying nonstop ever since.

A report was filed, it was submitted anonymously. I didn't want my name on anything. But most of all... I didn't want Tyler to know it was me. Although I'm sure he would realize it once they mention sex in his car by the lake. There was not enough evidence to arrest him for what he did to me, just an investigation into it that could be compared to the latest attacks on girls from school. Honestly, that was good enough for me. I knew for a fact that he was the one who spiked the punch bowl at prom, which didn't put this in his favor. The punch bowl itself was not laced, but he was near the cups that night.

So Tyler was about to know this investigation was aimed at him, as he was free to walk around. He scared me enough as it was, I wanted to stay as far away from him as I could. Which in a town that is one square mile (not including the lake), was hard to do.

"Can I let him out now?" I hold my hand out to my dad, waiting for him to place the key of the town jail cell into my hand.

Luxberg was small. We didn't have much. Our library was also our City Hall, and in the very back of the building was a single jail cell. Every time I had seen it, it was filled with file boxes and being used for storage. I don't think it had been used once since I had been born.

My dad's glance shifts from his paper up to me.

"Nothing has changed. You are still grounded. I still want you nowhere near him. Do you realize why he asked me to put him there? He was getting angry..."

I keep my hand held out to him.

"First off, I'm grounded because I asked Jax to walk me home because TYLER was scaring me! Second, it's not me he's angry with, it's TYLER. All I'm going to do is let him out of his cage so he can go home. Have you even fed him?"

He pulls off his glasses and rubs his tired eyes with his finger and thumb.

"Of course I fed him. I'm not trying to be a monster here, Gabby. I know he had the right intentions. I get it, I want to wrap my bare hands around Tyler's neck and strangle him. The difference is I know not to. I know when to check the anger and let the law do it's job so that the right person ends up with the criminal record in this situation."

"I'd rather you killed Tyler" I roll my eyes and keep my hand out in front of me.

"Gabby..." he sighs.

"I'm letting him out. He's been there for an entire day because of me. I'm sure he's calmed down by now. Trust me, I'm not very happy with him right now that he told my dad how I lost my virginity... so it will be a straight home type of night."

"I don't want to know why Jackson knows how my daughter lost her virginity" he mutters and pulls his paper back up to his face.

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