Chapter 5

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Authors Notttee : Hey guys, this is the chapter I'm reposting, and the rest will be updated live! :D This one is my favourite chapter so far, so please enjoy and leave a review! :3

"Kazuma! He's catching up!"

In the streets, the two can be seen running for their lives with a pack of wine dealers chasing them

Kazuma's body was not built for this kind of physical activity, in his previous life, he barely moved an inch a day. Despite that, Aqua is still lagging a fair bit behind. Kazuma would laugh at her, if not in this kind of situation

"It's because you run so slow! You stupid goddess!"

Using the rest of the breath Kazuma had, he sighs

'How did I get dragged into this?'

Earlier that day*

Aqua was running up to Kazuma and puts Kazuma's arm into a hold with both of her arms

"Kazuma! Lets go take a walk down the market"

Aquas eyes were shining

Kazuma's expression turned a 180

At this point, Kazuma knew Aqua was planning something, that he wouldn't want to be involved with.

"Huh? Why do I have to? What did you do this time?"

Aqua's hold tightens

"Nothing! Just go already! Im even generously letting you stay in my room!"

Normally, Kazuma would have flat out refused and went to sleep, except that he can't sleep, now that he's sharing a room with this idiot.

"Fine, but i'm not buying you food"

Aqua releases the hold she made on his arm and starts pulling Kazuma to the door

She was not letting him escape this, was she?

"Fine, Lets go! Lets go!"

As Kazuma got dragged out the door, they started walked down the beaten path, then Aqua starts walking towards a liquor store.

The liquor store was white and purple, it looked and probably was the most expensive building in the entire market

The wine here would probably put a dent in Kazuma's Wallet

Kazuma stops Aqua from walking by pulling on her scarf, Aqua trips as a result and falls to the ground

"I thought I told you I'm not buying you any food"

Kazuma says while looking down holding her scarf like a dog leash

Aqua flails around and pulls back her scarf while standing up

"Im not buying wine!"

Aquas tone drops to barely audible

"I'm just gonna borrow some of you money" Aqua mumbled quietly while fidgeting with her fingers

Barely audible was just enough to not be heard by Kazuma


Kazuma felt it, this Idiot was hiding something

"Nothing." Aqua continues fidgets with her fingers while looking at the ground

Kazuma just had a really bad feeling

"No, tell me what you said"

Aqua jumps up and drags Kazuma inside the door

"I said it was nothing! Now get inside!" Aqua said while repeatedly tugging at Kazuma's arm

I Fell In Love With a Useless Godess (Konosuba)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu