This is it

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By the time I got back Ryan and Greg had the rocket partially built, about one third of the way done. Koltu and I swam up to the rocket platform. I climbed on board and Koltu pulled his front fins and head upon the platform. I walked over to the guys.
"The G.U.N. is disabled", I spoke calmly , watching the tiny robots finish the bottom of the ship, we still needed to finish the the other two sections. Ryan turned to me.
" Great job (y/n) , not much longer now. Okay , so next , if you don't mind could you help get the parts for the bridge, I'll be getting the parts for the midsection, and Greg, if you don't mind, can you gather food and some other supplies, just in case.", Ryan requested politely. Greg, seemingly and better spirits.
" Sure", he says calmly, preparing to go back to base to collect the supplies.
" Yes Captain", I smile , going to Koltu, I brief him on his and I's next mission. He nods and we head off to go get the items. Koltu and I head off. We spend almost 3 hours, we had collected enough titanium, lithium, some stalker teeth, some table coral samples, gold and copper. It was helpful having Koltu around, he made sure to help point out some of them.
We got back to base and get some plasteel ingots crafted, I look around base and collect the last of the things we need, luckily Ryan had some of the other materials , he mentioned that I could use them, so I grab what I need and craft up most of the other things. Now I just have to get the shield generator.
I go to Ryan and ask him where the cyclops is. He informs me it's still in the lost forest , with his other base. He gives me the signal to the beacon down in the lost forest. Koltu and I start heading down there. After we get down there, we start looking for the base.
     A screech roars out. I quickly turn around to see a weird looking , large creature. Koltu quickly swims up near me and block the creature from getting me. He tells me to swim to the base. I look down to see it, and I quickly swim down and also seeing the cyclops I get in the cyclops. I craft a shield generator with the on board crafter. I drive the cyclops up and out ,Koltu following close behind.
     " That was close (y/n), you could've been hurt", Koltu huffs, worried. I sigh.
     " I know, But there isn't much that we could've done, we had to get this stuff down here", I respond, I'm starting to feel bad. Do I really wanna leave, I have this amazing friend now. But I'll have to leave him behind if I want to get home. Maybe I'll be able to come back at some point.
    We head back to the surface. I return to Ryan, I hadn't realized we had been working through the night. The sun was starting to rise. I pull up next to the platform that held the partially built rocket. Ryan had just got the midsection finished I watched the little robots buzz around and cause the middle part to materialize in front of me. I get out and walk over to Ryan , and the main console.
     "Hey (y/n) , you got the items?", Ryan asks watching the little bots finish up.
     " Yep, here you go", I say , handing him the pile of items. He punches in some things on the terminal and the robots buzz down, collect the items and start building the cockpit of the rocket. They speed off and get to work. While we wait Greg finally comes around, and has plenty of items and such. We watch as the rocket finishes. A magnificent beast. The smooth, clean giant , that towered above us all, Koltu looked at it with amaze.
     " If you guys want to do anything before we leave, you may want to go ahead and take care of it. I have to say goodbye. I'll be back in a little while". Ryan states walking past Koltu and patting his head, before diving into the water to go take care of some things.
     " I'll just wait here, take care if whatever you need (y/n)", Greg says sitting on the edge of the platform. I walk over to Koltu and sit on the edge next to him. I place my palm against his head and he let's out a coo.
     " It's been great to be around you", Koltu speaks in his telepathic voice.
     "Thank you, for protecting me, and being my friend", I quietly respond. " I wish you could come with us, but I promise I will try to come back".
     "I'd like that, let's just hope most your species is like you and your friends", he responds. " Can I show you something?"
    "Sure", I respond, as he slides beneath the water, I followed behind. He swims back to the G.U.N. building and leads me to a portal like device.
    " Go through, I can't fit, but I can still talk to you". I nod and pass through. After a few seconds I was in a different area. Creatures that would normally be aggressive are now calm. I notice a large Emperor Leviathan laying on the sand.
    I swim over and inspect them. They were somewhat larger than Koltu.
    "You see the other Emperor there"
    " That's my mother. Ryan helped free my brothers and sisters. But sadly she collapsed not long after we hatched"
     " I'm sorry for your loss"
     " Ryan told me she cared for us alot, so I like to keep that in mind , because I want to make her happy and help my planet"
     " That's a great way of looking at it"
     " Come back through the portal , I'm sure Ryan and Greg are ready"
    I swim back through the portal and meet back up with Koltu. We swim back to the rocket platform. Ryan is talking with Greg. I'm glad to see they're not being harsh towards each other. We swim up and I climb on to the platform.
    "All done?", Ryan asks looking over at me. I nod. " Well before we climb on board, There's some creatures I'd like you to meet"
    He motions out to the open water as four heads pop up. More guardian leviathans. Koltu swims over and makes an odd shocked noise.
     "Those are his brothers and sisters", Ryan explains.
     " I wanted him to be with his siblings when we left. I didn't want him to be alone". I hold his hand.
     " That was a very kind thing for you to do", I say with a smile. " Greg come over here, dude".
    Greg stands up and walks over. He does something that surprises me. He smiles. In all the years I worked with him, he rarely ever smiles. I wrap my arms around their necks in a hug.
     "Goodbye Koltu, Good bye guys ", We say to the Leviathans.
    We climb into the rocket. Greg puts all the supplies into the lockers on board. Afterward we each start up a part of the ship. Ryan leaves a time capsule, we each put something in it. Ryan puts his old seaglide, Greg put a anti-radiation dive suit, and I put my heat blade. We leave a little message for anyone else who gets stuck there, if we're not able to come back. I give a final wave to Koltu.
     We get into our seats. I sit on the left of the room, Greg sits on the right, and Ryan takes his place in the Captain's seat. Ryan looks at us making sure we're secure and ready. Once we give the okay, he inputs the code and we start moving. We watch through the glass as we move, watching the stars approach. We shoot up with a jolt , breaking the atmosphere. The ship rounds part of the planet and right before take off. Ryan gets a look on his face, he tears up, before we enter hyperdrive. Someone just said something to him. Definitely one of the Emperors. As the stars merge into just streaks of light, we knew our journey was now over. We had finally escaped. What would our future hold for us? Who knows, we'll just have to wait and find out.


Thank you all for reading. I appreciate all the kind words and suggestions I have received, and I hope you are pleased with this ending. Thank you all.
               - Ghostcatcoon

My Guardian , LeviathanWhere stories live. Discover now