Chapter 8: Dead! He's dead!

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*Sorry for any mistakes


My friends and I were just staring at it. John's body was on the floor with the crimson red liquid flowing out of his body. Blood covered the floor and the large mirror wrote bloody words like before LIKE WHAT I DID TO YOUR LITTLE FRIEND HERE? Marcus started bursting out in tears. If we weren't in this situation right now, we'll be laughing our asses off. But right now, I just looked at him in shock. This is sooo not him. I saw Max and Angeline chuckle.


"HE'S DEAD! WHAT PART OF 'JOHN IS DEAD' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND HERE? ALEXIS HAS BEEN CONVINCING YOU TO GET US OUT OF HERE BUT YOU JUST DIDN'T CARE!" Marcus argued with the teacher. "Oh, and where are the other students?" he continued daring Miss Sarah to answer.

"I don't believe John is dead! Show it to me!"

"STOP AVOIDING MY QUESTIONS! WHERE ARE THE OTHER STUDENTS?" He yelled so loudly that could grab everyone's attention but this shit hotel has no one here. She stays quiet for a while and continues

"T-they...w-wentt...h-h-h-ome" She said using all her willpower to force out those words.

"WHAT?!?" He said urging to attack her but retreats when he realises that he's talking to a teacher.

"Now! Question answered. Show me the body" She snapped arrogantly. I wanted to freaking kill her! Marcus wanted to say something but we cut him off before things got ugly.

We brought her to our room and led her to the bathroom. We opened the door and showed her John's body. She just stared at it with a blank expression on her face.

"Teacher!" I said trying to snap her out of her thoughts.


"John.Body.Dead.Blood. Get the point?"

"Yes, and don't give me that attitude" Man, I hate her! I just rolled my eyes at her.

"SO, WHAT CHU GONNA DO ABOUT JOHN?!?!" Marcus said pissed off. I saw a glint of tears in his eyes but he blinked it back in a second due to anger.

I noticed Ashlynn observing him too. I had my own silent conversation with Ashlynn. She asked me if he was gay. I tried my best not to surpress my laughter. But it came out as soft giggles. Before I knew it, all eyes were on me. I gave an apologetic look.

"Well,uhmm..I have no idea" The teacher said confidently. That's what makes me angry.

"What is that supposed to mean?!!?!"


"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? YOU SENT EVERY OTHER STUDENT HOME BUT LEFT US ONLY!! WHY??" Marcus said so angrily we had to calm him down. She just looked down and refused to make eye contact with anyone of us.

When Marcus calmed down abit, he asked "Do you have a confession you want to make?"


Heyyy guyssssssss xD Sorry if it took too long to update it xD I need to update more often because @justin_chong promised to do something for me if I update my story more often. I hope you like this chapter..THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. :)


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