(29) Pregnant and Sick

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Samantha's POV (2 months later)

I am half way through my pregnancy. I feel huge. My hormones are all over the place. I feel so bad for my mates, they have to deal with me and my ridiculous cravings. Peanut butter and cucumbers or pickles and ice cream.

The boys are actually visiting a pack a couple of states over. They were about to stay until I locked them out of the house. So that means that I am the only one in the house right now.

Luke and Aria are on vacation. My brothers, Ryan, and Logan are with my mates. The girls are all at McKenzies house for lunch. I was going to go until I started to feel really sick.

Bellamy says that my morning sickness should be gone, but this morning I woke up sick. I haven't thrown up this much in awhile. And that leads me to where I am right now. On the bathroom floor puking my guts out.

I wipe my mouth and lean against the wall. I feel like something is wrong, but I don't want to stress myself about it. I'm sure the boys can tell how I am feeling right now. One of the terms they said was that I had to leave my wall down.

After about 5 minutes, I get up and make my way to the kitchen. Let me tell you, that was a bad idea. Everything started spinning and I lean against the wall. I see a shadow walk towards me and grab my throat and throw me against the wall.

I wrap my arms around my stomach protecting the baby. "Do you remember me Sam?" She says while punching my face.

I get a good look at the person and I soon recognize her as the witch that I killed. "You..."

"It is me!"

"Ho- how are you here? I killed you," I spit blood beside my body.

"I'm not really here, but I am here in spirit. It's called the witches curse. If you kill a witch, they can cast a spell that can bring them back to haunt you, but only you. No one else can see me."

"How can you hurt me?"

"Easy, I concentrate like this and I think of what I want to do to you." As she finishes her sentence I go flying back, hitting my head on the counter. "Me and you are going to have a lot of fun."

My head is pounding and black spots start filling my vision. I see her disappear in front of my eyes. I lean back and close my eyes. I'm so tired. I feel a little kick in my stomach pulling me out from the darkness. 'Bellamy' I link.

'Yes Luna?'

'I need you here at the house. ASAP'

'What's wrong?'

Mind linking is taking a lot of energy from me. I sigh and tears build up. I'm sorry to my baby for not protecting you like I said I would. The last thing I see is a pair of white eyes, the witches eyes.

Bellamy's POV

I gather my equipment and take off toward Samantha. I have a guard coming with me but Incase there is some sort of danger. I knock on the door and try to sniff if anyone was here. I smell spices. Herbs.

I get the guard to knock the door down and I rush into the house, following the smell of blood. It leads me to the kitchen, where I find Sam leaning against the island, a hand on her stomach.

I tell the guard to send some more guards and some trackers. "Samantha?" Her eyes are completely closed. "Luna? Open your eyes for me."

I bend down to her level and check her pulse. I hear two so that means that the baby is alive as well. But Sam's pulse was getting slower and slower. I find the source of her bleeding, her head.

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