Chapter 17: First 24 hours

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Gemma found shelter inside an old building from the intensified weather but there was no shelter from her intensified anger. The curse had spread throughout her entire right half. Her negative eye saw spirits, souls, ghouls, and ghosts that inhabited the building. Although frightened, she payed them not much attention. Leaning between the corner and open window provided warmth but not much. She peeked her tear abused eyes out the window and wondered for once. Who or what is Cavendish really. He possesses much power that is know, something close to a sorcerer, magician, a powerful one at that. Gemma many times overlooked the fact tgat she was being used.

The young adult loved the thrill to kill. The blood. Danger that came with assassinating those who waited to assassinate the assassins that waited to assassinate the waiting assassins. It was like playing hide and seek, on a whole new level. A professional level. She was probably playing her last game. For both their lives.


The final assassins exam was on this day.
"You ready Z" she asked
"Yeah. You ready G" Zuri asked
"I guess so." Anticipation and surged through her body.
"Remember. Only three can remain"

The streek began. Gunshots fried, shrill shrieks of death filled the death-thickening air. Hours later only two remain. Out of 78 male assassin apprentices, only females, two females were the best assassins. They survived.

End of flashback

Tears meandered down her cheeks. She only hoped Zuri would have a calmer life. Tears rolled down faster and multiplied not only those of sorrow, pitiful sadness and creeping depression but also infused with tears of anger, fury and blood-thirst for the betrayer. Cavendish.

But then again as an assassin nobody can be trusted at all costs. Almost nobody.

She smiled at the thought of Zuri. A shadowy figure walk in a hurry past and looked back. The face she saw seemed too familiar. Arming herself with three kunai not forgetting her katana.

"Josh, that you?" She whispered loud enough above the insane weather
"Freeze! We got you now." A police officer yelled.
"Shit." She told herself as her arms instinctively put her hands up. Police officers circled her and cuffed her in the process. The mysterious person she had been chasing got into the blue and white car with her.
"This is one insane storm. What were you doing out here sir?" The driving officer asked looking through the rear view mirror. It was clear by the sound of his voice he had only begun his job.
"I was trying to get some supplies before the storm got any worse." He explained, taking off his hoodie. Through the eyes of the cat white mask Gemma hoped her eyes did not deceive her. She sighed in disbelief. It really was Josh.

Yin, the white assassin, was hauled out of the police car and shoved her into the station.
"The suspect guilty of the mall massacre Sir the other squadrons are still on the look out Sir." He declared his arrival at the station. The entire place smelled of burnt rubber and athlete sweat. The air was uncomfortably thick and humid.
"Take her in for interrogation ASAP. Meritorious work, private."

Shoved, pushed, twisted, into a small metal room Gemma's tolerance ran thin. The room was quiet and calm. Cold air stabbed through her white coat and into her body to the bone, sending a shiver up her spine.

A muscular man barged in. Tight shirt, loose pants. Tattoos infested his arms and neck. Behind him was a nerd looking policeman. Private uncuffed her and left. A squadrons of 17 armed gaurds entered the room and closed the steel reinforced door. Locked it.
"Is the police force that scared." She giggled blood-thirstyly
"Shut up genius. We the two that speak here.!!"
"And what are you supposed to be?... A Dwayne Johnson ripoff?" She snickered behind her mask giving a death glare.

"Tell us girl. Who was with you on the day of the massacre." He thrusted into her face
"Ewww brush much? Bath much?" Gemma crossed her arms and slouched as evil plans popped into her mind like pop-corn.
"Takeoff the mask and tell me what I want to fucking know." He slammed his hand on the table which caused everyone to flinch. Besides Gemma.
"You blow dick for a living. Dog dick. Thats one. "
"That is irrelevant" he yelled
"Your entire existence is irrelevant" she ripped off the mask and hood.

" Good day gentlemen. My name is Gemma Cortez. Im 17 turning 18 in three days. Im an assassin, the youngest and deadliest. I do it for fun. I was cursed during the mall massacre as you can see. I have no permanent home but do have a permanent family. Yes I was at the mall massacre with a partner a friend. Yang, blackblade, the black assassin. Those who have felt our wrath call us yin and yang, assassins of fate. That was also irrelevant."
"I dont see why" the nerd policeman.
"None of you will survive this massacre. The Interrogation Massacre and thats why. Bitches."

Words cannot express my gratitude. Thanx for reading again you guys are the best. Please comment and share with others who might enjoy. Hope YOU enjoyed the update. Also please read @ngubanebanele's book If you are into sci-fi.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

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