Practice makes perfect

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I probably still haven't gotten used to the fact that Meghan is an alien and always been. I kept thinking she was with me for years when really it was only months. Can't blame her for this though she never knew what privacy was.
"Meghan....Meghan." I turned too look at her "Meghan...what. The. FUCK. There's this thing called privacy! And that's thing is exactly what I'm not getting! W-why do you choose to watch me!?...w-what have you seen..?"
Meghan smirked. "Well I do know you can go at it like it's nothing."
My face turned red. "Let's change the topic..Meghan we'll talk about this later."
Nick & grace looked at each other confused as if they're trying to understand what human slang actually is.
I sighed. It's like I'm trying to take care of clueless kids here. If they didn't know any better they would probably have burned the house down by accident in less than 10 seconds. The world is in our hands now. The more time we waste the more people are being killed. I shuddered.
Before anyone can strike up a conversation I hear a thump on the roof then scratching noises getting louder coming through my window. It was Veronica. We all turned our heads to see her. "I got news."
Meghan turned her body towards her as if she was about to spill some secrets. Everybody leaned in listening carefully with straight faces.
The lack of expression bothered me.
Veronica sat at the window sill holding her transparent pad with some scribbles on it. She looked a little dirty a few mud stains on her shirt and shorts and legs. I wonder what happened.
"From Willard high school the thing is 14 miles southwest. This home is south of the school, the minions are closing in from the east but it's 267 miles away taking most part of the north and east slowly invading the south. We have time, it will take them two weeks before reaching us."
Nick interrupted "I'm sure it will be fine if they arrive they're easy to kill off, if we can do just that then maybe we can buy more time before actually doing the ambush. More time to practice."
Veronica nodded "exactly"
Meghan crossed her arms, grace looked at it as if it was some sort of magic trick her expression was priceless. She even attempted doing it herself.
Meghan glanced over at nick. "You think you can handle that? If we don't have much practice I want nick to hold them off and Veronica to make this house transparent. If push comes to shove we'll leave this place immediately going some place safer, maybe head more down south."
"Understood" everybody except myself said in unison
Veronica moved from my window to me bed. I was a afraid to stop her to prevent dry mud getting on my bed but it was too late. I cried on the inside.

"Alright. Right now it's currently.." graced looked at my clock "11:47, we have two weeks..this will take some practice even if..lily wants to survive completely we gotta get started." Meghan stood up straight "your right we should start. The problem is. We don't have a place to practice or anything to practice with."
I added. "I guess it depends what we're gonna do."
Nick glanced over at my direction "since Veronica, grace, and I have a different role to play your part with ..Meghan shouldn't be a problem. It's intercourse what is so hard about that?." Grace scoffed. "Goodness".
I was starting to understand what is to expected in the future. This is a special game of 'who will I lose my virginity to.'
And 'will this kill me or save humanity'
It sounds dumb but this is the reality I'm facing.
"Oh and also!" Meghan pulled out a small white tube with a yellow strip going across it "this will numb your vagina Incase you can't handle it. But we won't use this at the moment practice should be easy~"
I bet Meghan is just laughing her ass off on the inside, it's like she wants to see me flustered.
Nick held onto the walls before stepping foot out of the pot, he grew bigger into his original size. "I'm already well rested we should begin then."
~time skip~
We traveled 11 miles away from the house to do this "practice."
I was being held up in the air 15 feet off the ground. Hands tied behind my back and scared. I forgot to mention to them I was afraid of heights. "Lily! How are you feeling!?" Meghan spoke on a mega phone. Veronica and grace stared up at me while nick was holding me up with his.."tentacles" he used his thick vines to carry me up in the air. I was surprised his vines can go that far. They held me by the arms and legs forcing them open.
I was too scared to answer I was just praying I wouldn't fall.
Meghan said something to nick that made him bring me back down, I was relieved to feel the ground again.
"How did you feel?" Meghan knelt down next to me while I just layed in the grass getting myelf together. "I....I forgot to tell you..I'm scared of heights."
I could hear Veronica snickering in the background. "Ohh man that's gonna be a problem...this thing is going to be swinging you left to right and won't be holding you much so if you slip off it's gonna be the end of thing to do is hold on. Your lucky nick here is holding you from all directions.."
I cried a little bit inside..
Next thing I knew a green vine grabbed me by my right leg and quickly lifted me off the ground
I finally got the chance to hold onto it, tears formed in my eyes. I didn't know if I wanted to cry or die.
Another vine grabbed my other leg which caused me to go completely upside down, they slid up to my thighs then around my stomach avoiding my private area.
I had no words, I was weak against the feel of the vine being around my vagina. I blushed.
Grace then whispered something in nick's ear. I was getting ready for what was to come next.
Suddenly the vines grew short letting me completely loose. My soul left my body for a split second till the vine could catch me before I reach the ground then swung me side to side. This is the most horrific thing I ever been through in my entire life. I was too shocked to cry.
The vine then set me down back to the ground. I couldn't legs were shaky.
"Your okay there lily?" Nick bent down checking my face expression.
The others gathered around me doing the same.
"Y-you could've warned me f-first..."
Weak words escaped my mouth.
Meghan chuckled "welp that's just how it gets worse....your completely naked with tentacles wrapped astound you arousing you as it makes you it's toy."
"I already feel like a toy being tossed around by nick like that!"
"Practice makes perfect." Veronica added.

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