• Chapter Four •

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|E T H A N ' S  P O V|

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|E T H A N ' S P O V|

An entire week had passed since that day Ethan had met Liam and Jared who had saved him from almost becoming bear food and then once again after they found him being held captive by an evil tree.

Ever since he had left the pair, who were gracious enough to give him a meal to eat before they went their separate ways, Ethan had finally decided that he was going to learn how to hunt properly so lately, he's been watching other hunters during their hunts so that he could try and imitate their movements and so he could take down some pointers.

From his observation, he came to the conclusion that the main objective to focus on while hunting was to stay low, keep quiet and hunt the weakest or easiest prey.

Ethan had already begun practicing how to hunt on animals like hares and ducks since they were easier to catch and lacked a lot of strength but since they were smaller they weren't as satisfying and fulfilling like a mountain goat or a sheep would be so today Ethan had finally decided he was going to hunt for something bigger than a petty bunny or bird.

Today he was going to hunt for a deer.

He was sort of scared and hesitant at the thought of hunting a deer since this would be his first time hunting an animal bigger than an adult raccoon but the voice in his head was practically forcing Ethan to do it and even called Ethan a wimp.


'Hurry up would you?' The voice groaned impatiently. 'I want to eat but your slow a*s is taking to long.'

'Can you be a little patient?' Ethan asked in annoyance.

'No, I don't think so.' Ethan just rolled his eyes before continuing his journey towards the smell of deer.

It wasn't long until Ethan reached his destination which was at a small clearing which had deer scattered around.

'I am so pumped up!' Ethan could literally picture the voice jumping around in excitement. 'Let's do this!' The voice cheered loudly making Ethan's ears flattened on top of his head.

'Can you be a little quieter?'

'Is this okay!?' He shouted.

'No, it's not actually but whatever.' Ethan sighed. 'Let just get started already.'

'Okay! Phase One: Stay Low.'

Ethan nodded his head at the command and pressed his body up against the grass covered ground before he begun crawling towards the clueless herd. While doing so, however, he accidentally pressed his paw against a pointy rock which forced a yelp out of him, making a couple of deer snap their heads towards the sound.

[Remaking/Not Completed] Abandoned (Boy×Boy)Where stories live. Discover now