Chorus (Five)

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The ride back to school was...awkward to say the least.  Without Sebastian there to talk with in our easy banter, I resigned myself to being as quiet as a mouse, which was something that Jason was apparently not used to at all. 

"So, how did you two meet?" he asked me finally as we were drawing nearer and nearer to the school. 

I didn't mind that I had skipped the first few classes, especially considering that it was only around lunch time when I would be arriving back. 

"Um, well I went to his concert the other night with my friend.  I was supposed to be in the VIP meet and greet with her but I forgot my pass.  I went out to her car to go get it and I guess I was so tired from the concert and the drinking that I just passed out in her car and before I knew it, Sebastian Jennings was in the driver's seat, hijacking my best friend's car.  It was an accident of course and he apologized, apparently their cars looked very similar and he was in a hurry, but we ended up getting a flat, getting caught in a rainstorm and he allowed me to stay in his guest room overnight.  That was the last I thought I'd ever see of him again until today."

Jason flicked his eyes curiously to my face from the front seat.  I wondered what he was thinking behind his dark brown eyes. 

"You're not one of those psycho chicks who stalks famous people are you?"

I guessed I didn't have to wonder what was on his mind, he said what he was thinking out loud, no matter what it was. 

I blanched at his words. 

"Absolutely not.  He's the one who kidnapped me!  And today, I tried all I could to avoid him when I saw that he was in the parking lot.  I didn't really want to speak with him after our fight but extenuating circumstances sort of brought us together again, so to speak."

He raised his eyebrows in curiosity when he heard that we'd had a fight. 

"And what was this fight about?"

"It was over the same question you just asked me, insinuating that I'm some sort of crazy fan just trying to get my fifteen minutes of fame.  You know, if that was really what I was after, don't you think my name would be plastered on every trashy magazine in the grocery store by now?"

"Hmm... I suppose you have a point.  I'm sorry we've both pretty much labeled you as something you're not, its just that Sebastian has had some really bad experience with girls in the past, girls who only used him for his fame and money and it didn't turn out too well.  Cut him some slack."

"Don't worry, I've already forgiven him.  He apologized and said as much so I'm not holding it against him.  I'm not famous and I don't think I ever want to be considering the way he's treated and how hard it is to live a normal life."

Jason sighed, rubbing his day old stubble on his cheeks before responding. 

"Yeah, it's definitely not as cracked up as everyone makes it out to be.  His schedules are almost always planned out, which I'm sure is why he had to bail out today.  He didn't get to go to college  or even finish out his high school career as a regular kid."

"Wow.  That sounds pretty-"

"Crappy?  Yeah, I know.  Try having to be the one to tell your best friend that they can't go to their senior prom or it would cause a riot?" he chuckled at the end of his sentence but I could tell that there was a bit of bitterness and sadness laced into his tone where normally there would have been sarcasm and humor. 

We spent the rest of the ride in comfortable silence and as he dropped me off and said his goodbyes, I couldn't help but wonder if it would be the last that I would ever hear from him-or Sebastian-ever again. 

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