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Charlie's smile falters upon seeing the betrayed expression written across my face.

I back up slowly, feeling the burn of everyone's eyes fixated on me, spinning on my heel, I rapidly sprint down the hall towards my room.

I slam the door shut, causing the loud echo to bounce off the walls and reverberate throughout the quiet corridor. I grab the small brass key off my nightstand, quickly shoving it in the doorknob and turning it left to lock myself in— and others out.

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less where Lucy spent the night, but it certainly wouldn't be with me.

I fall onto my bed with a dramatic sigh. With my face shoved deep into my pillow, I finally let the warm tears that had previously threatened to spill, fall down my cheeks.

A soft knock at the door, brings life to the otherwise silent room.

"Violet, open the door," the voice says gently, yet simultaneously demanding.

I slowly raise my head from the pillow.


I swing my legs off the bed, quickly wiping underneath my eyes, and flattening down the hem of my skirt.

Just as my fingers lace themselves around the cool, rusty metal doorknob, I hesitate.

"Who are you with?" I question aloud, surely not in the mood to speak to— let alone see— Lucy.

"Knox," Neil responds through the wooden barrier.

My heart sinks.

Albeit part of me held enough indignation to not see Charlie for an entire week, if not more, I wanted him to be here, to explain to me that it is not at all what I think it is.

I wanted more than anything, to have him wrap his warm body around mine, and tell me that he loves me more than life itself, while kissing the top of my forehead, like he always had.

I slowly turn the knob, opening the door and stepping back, allowing for Knox and Neil to step inside.

"Are you alright?" Neil asks, breaking the silence as the three of us sat atop my bed.

I nod, unsure of the answer myself.

"Where's Charlie?" I blurt out, unable to prevent the question from escaping my mouth.

"Well, I think he left, though I'm not sure where," Knox answers earnestly. At least I could always count on his honestly.

My face falls— my heart falls.

Upon noticing the sour expression that overtakes my features, Neil continues. 

"Lucy convinced him to give you some space. He wanted to come, but she said it would be best if he left you be."

My thoughts raced a million miles per minute, and I couldn't stop the scoff that left my mouth. Lucy convinced him... please.

I wanted to think better of Lucy, but it simply wasn't possible.

The courtyard, Knox' room, and now this...

My attempts to convince myself that I must have imagined the whole thing, proved futile.

The situation seemed obvious to everyone, that is, except for me.

From the sympathetic expressions painted across Knox and Neil's faces, to the pitiful stares I got as they stood in the doorway... I knew what they were thinking.

Lucy wanted Charlie.

And as Lucy always says, she gets what she wants...

A/n: sorry to leave it on a bit of a cliffhanger!! Almost done the next chapter 💗

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