JJK {sick} JJK

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You were laying in bed watching Black Mirror, when suddenly another hacking cough tore through your throat. You were so ill, and all you could do was lay in bed and watch TV.
All day you had been going to the toilet to be sick, and now all you wanted to do was to fall asleep, but your terrible fever prevented you from doing so. To make matters worse, you were on your period. You had tried various medicines, but you knew that the only thing that could make you feel better is your boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook.

He had been at dance practice from 5am this morning, and you knew he wasn't coming back for another two hours. You sighed and rolled out of your bed once again to make your way over to the en suite, only to lean over the rim of the toilet. Once you had finished being sick you messaged Jungkook.

"Hey Kookie, you may want to stay at one of the boy's places tonight, I'm really unwell and keep on being sick, and I wouldn't want you to catch anything, what with your busy schedule. I love you ❤️"

Almost as soon as you had sent the message you got a reply.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick sooner baby? I'm coming right now, and don't you dare try to stop me. See you in a bit ❤️"

You knew there was no point arguing with your stubborn, somewhat idiotic boyfriend, so you went with it. The studio was only a ten minute drive away from your house, so you knew Jungkook wouldn't be long. Still, the ten minutes felt like ten eternities. Finally you heard the front door open.

"Where are you, Jagi?", you heard him call, as he shut the door behind him. "Up here, Jungkook-ah", came your hoarse reply. He bounded up the stairs to your room, and gave you a sympathetic but loving smile.
"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me you were ill sooner? You know how bad I feel when I'm not here for you. I don't care if I'm at work, you always come first", he said, kneeling down by the side of the bed looking at you and fiddling with your hair. He kissed your forehead, and frowned, then pressed his hands against your cheeks. "You're boiling!", Jungkook said, but he noticed your shivers.

He changed into some pyjama bottoms, but left his chest exposed, so you could cool your face down on his cold chest. Kook slid under the covers with you and began to unpack his backpack that he had brought with him. He spoke as he placed each item onto the bed. "Jin hyung said that you should have some energy drink because you'd be tired from being sick all day so I picked some up, and some ramen because that always makes me feel better when I'm sick. I also bought some ice cream to soothe your throat, and some chocolate because I know you're on your period too. Damn you must be having a pretty bad day, sweetie", he rambled.

All the time he was talking, you were staring up at him, grateful to have someone like him, who loved you to the moon and back and would drop everything to come and make you feel better. Your train of thought froze, and you dashed out of bed and into the en suite once more, Jungkook right behind you. As you vomited, he held back your hair, and his big, cold hands slid under your top to rub you burning back.

Once you were done, you had a big glass of water and then turned around to cuddle Kook. He pulled you in closer and stroked your hair, whilst saying how brave you were. Upon hearing him say you were brave, you pulled away from the hug and shook your head. "Brave? I can't even look after myself when I'm sick, I'm so useless and pathetic. Honestly, Kook, I'm not brave", you said.
"Nonsense. Everyone needs someone to look after them once in a while. The brave thing is letting them help, so c'mon, let's get you back into bed, try and get some food down you and watch some crap on TV". He picked you up bridal style and gently set you down on the bed, and his lips met yours.

You kissed him for longer than you were going to let yourself, because you didn't want him to get ill. "Get off me, pabo, you'll get sick!", you
exclaimed, and he shrugged his shoulders, stating that he wasn't going to sacrifice his kisses from you over an illness.

He started to feed you the food and drink he had bought, as he told you all about his day, and how the others were. Once you had finished eating, you snuggled right into his toned abs and watch a good old rom-com that left you in tears, but you enjoyed yourself. You seen fell asleep cuddled up to Jungkook, noses touching, your little puffs of breath blowing his fringe up.

"Goodnight, Y/N-ah, I love you", he whispered, and settled down to sleep himself.

hi guys! thank you so much for 200 reads. this one was kind of inspired by Jungkook's live yesterday, he looked so boyfriend lol. i'm two years younger than Jungkook so i wrote it like i was younger, so he didn't call you noona or anything, sorry if this doesn't apply to you. anyway, hope you're having a nice time, i'm currently stu{dying}. also, can you do me a quick favour? just comment what type of imagines you prefer, individual member ones like this one, or the ones where it's like a list. thank you x

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