The Fag Swag {21}

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                “Phil! Finally,” Angel said, coming over to me in school the next day. I mentally sighed. I should’ve just skipped school today. I wasn’t in the mood for this. Plus, I really didn’t want to see Nick with his boyfriend.

                “I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone Angel. Leave me alone,” I growled dangerously.

                “I already know. Nick is with that Kenneth kid,” he said.

                “Shut up!” I snapped. I didn’t want to fucking hear it!

                “Phil, chill the hell out. We can kick his ass. Show him that no one messes with you like that,” he said, clenching his fists tightly.

                “No,” I said, feeling crushed. “No, just leave him alone Angel. Don’t hit him. Don’t yell at him. Just leave him alone.”

                I turned and hurried away from Angel. My mom would be at work until later tonight, so I could just go home. I would curl back up in my closet and just try to stop hurting so much. I couldn’t face school today. I couldn’t face Nick.

                I left school and hurried back home. I went in through the back door so that my neighbors wouldn’t see me. My mom would punish me if she knew I was skipping school.

                I rarely ever skipped school. I loved to go there and learn things. I liked to know things. Then I didn’t feel so stupid.

                But Nick would be there with his boyfriend. I couldn’t watch that. It would break my heart even more.

                I locked the back door and crept through the house, checking each room to make sure that mom was truly gone before heading to my bedroom.

                I curled up in the darkness of my closet and wrapped my arms around my knees. I buried my face against them and bit my lips as I felt my emotions choking me.

                I wasn’t good enough for anyone. I wasn’t good enough for my mom, or Angel, or Nick. The three people in the world I cared about, and I wasn’t good enough for any of them.

                I rubbed at my eyes to make sure they were still dry. I rubbed my aching chest and squeezed my eyes shut, just trying not to scream and cry and lose myself. I couldn’t lose myself.

                Because I had already lost Nick.

                                                                                ***Nick’s POV***

                I sat at the lunch table by myself. Phil wasn’t in school today, I had only briefly glimpsed Angel in the hallway, and Molly wasn’t talking to me.

                Kenneth came out and sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. “Hey baby,” he greeted with a smile.

                I ignored him and bit into my pizza. I just wanted to find Phil so I could talk to him. I wasn’t sure what I would say, but anything would be better than leaving him with silence. I didn’t want the poor guy to think that I had just played him.

                I was scared to go his house, though. I didn’t want to anger his mom and get him beat. I was pretty sure I had already done enough damage without pissing that abusive woman off and getting his ass kicked.

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