Chapter LXXXI - New Leadership

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President Nico stared down his nose through his spectacles at the young man standing indomitably at attention. Ministers filled the room until there was standing-room only. Nevertheless, they gave the young man a wide berth. His reputation preceded him.

The infuriated President had excoriated the military top brass. When he found out that Parma had been lost, he became enraged at their feckless excuses. The President, known publicly for his winsome grin and optimistic rhetoric, turned off the charm behind closed doors and unleashed atavistic tendencies. Privately, he was both feared and respected for his incisive questioning, unrelenting diligence, and utter lack of tolerance for failure or indulgence.

“I want heads rolling.” The President said hoarsely through the back of his throat.

The President sat behind an enormous, ornately hand-carved, mahogany and ebony desk. Everyone else in the room stood with baited breath. The young man in the center stood expressionlessly at martial attention. The young man did not reply. The President went on.

“There will be no review of your actions. Do not second-guess your choices. Do not concern yourself with reprisals. Let me handle any backlash. You will be untouchable.”

At the word “untouchable,” the President lifted his eyebrows. The President stared icily at the young man, waiting for any expression at all. He saw none. This satisfied him.

“Do not equivocate. Do not let me down. Do not let your country down.”

Still, the young man stood expressionless. President Nico signed paperwork and handed it to an aide. The aide walked over to the young man and tucked the paperwork into his breast pocket.

“One last thing.” President Nico said as he began writing, oblivious to the world around him. Then, he looked up, “Results. Whatever method you use, make sure that you get results.”

The young man offered a hard salute, turned, and walked determinedly out. The ministers lingered, waiting to talk to the President. They had so many questions.

“Out! All of you!” The President gruffly and abruptly shouted.

The tone of his voice and the look on his face convinced them not to question the order. They filed out of the room. They left him to his machinations.

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