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It's been hours since the interrogation started. Brandon is still convinced that I'm part of a stupid gang. He tried everything, whipped me, punched me, kicked me, and now, he's holding a bloody knife.

"Brandon, I told you, I'm not a gang member!" Every muscle in my body is sore. My breathing is heavy and the fact that he's putting the knife close to my artery isn't helping.

He signaled one his gang members to come to the closer. Gabriel is holding three arrows. My arrows. "Next time you do a mission, at least don't be caught!"

I looked at him with the same look I've had, confused. He placed the three arrows on the table in front of me.

"C.J.M." He whispered. That's how he found out.

"The hell does that mean?" Yeah, they're my initials but there's no way in hell that they knew my name. Darren suddenly walked into the room and mouthed 'sorry' before he faced Brandon and spoke.

"Does the name Cassidy Jules Morgan ring a bell?" Okay, first of all, why did he even bother to say sorry. Second, how did he find out my name? It can't be...

Brandon sat on the table and kept on poking me with his sharp knife. Right now, I just want to die but I'm a fighter so I spoke.

"I was in the same forest. Yes, those arrows are mine. How you found out my name? I have no fucking idea! I'm not a gang member, I saw a man pointing a gun at you and Darren looking like he was almost shredded into pieces. So, I did what a decent person would do! I shot the men for you not to die!"

Then, the silence was upon the whole room. No one dared to move nor speak. I didn't know that I still had the energy to scream those words.

"Why save me?" He asked. Seriously, why can't he just let me go!

Then, Darren added, "Why did you leave them alive?"

"Because I'm not a gang member and I don't kill people! I saved you because I'm not a gang member and I can't handle someone dying!" I didn't expect myself to say that but it's the truth. I may be that badass bitch that no one talks to but it doesn't mean I'm heartless without a soul.

"Brandon, she's in too much pain already, give her a break." The rest of the gang waited for Brandon's approval. Why would I need a break if I'm about to die anyway? If they take me out of this dusty basement, I can probably escape, right? But they'll find me again.

What if I'm in Brandon's house? I just live next to him, If I make a run for it, he'll just throw a tornado in my whole house to drag me back. What have I gotten myself into?

"One hour." Oh great, sixty minutes before I die. Without waiting for any seconds, Darren sliced the ropes that bound me. He told me to stand up and follow him. You know what happened? I fucking fell!

Vincent caught me before I fully collapsed. I've never been this weak since the accident.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Brandon Hunter's Point of View

I called for a gang meeting, the incident that happened between the NightWalker and Massacre gang is an alarm. They managed to track us without any of my gang members noticing. The Massacre gang is the second-ranked gang here in San Fransisco. 

"Brandon, we've been attacked twice this month. We were lucky because of - " I cut Darren before he continued to mention her. Yes, I may have been brutal towards her but I still doubt her. The sooner I break her, the sooner she'll speak up.

Darren, Vincent, and Gabriel were all shooting me with intense glares. Do they seriously believe that emo? "For all we know, she's a Massacre member!"

Vincent spoke up and said, "If she's a massacre member, she wouldn't have saved your ass." All of them were nodding their heads. I still don't get why she played the hero part. She couldn't have possibly felt the need to save my life, right?

"Brandon, think about it, she's vulnerable. Sure she plays that bitchy face but you should have at least considered her point. If she was a gang member, she probably made sure to kill those men and you. A gang is a threat to another gang." Gabriel pointed out. 

It's quite surprising how her aims were good enough to leave them bleeding into unconsciousness but not to die. She has the skill. The gang leader of Massacre was scared enough to make his men do his job, eliminating the NightWalker.

"Then, what the hell do we do about her?" Usually, I have a plan for everything but honestly, I don't know how to deal with that emo.

"She needs protection and all of us know that. What if someone saw her that day? Gangs will come after her, obviously, she wasn't thinking when she decided to get involved in that situation," Vincent said.

Do I keep her here? She got herself into it the first place! 

"No, leave her be." If other gangs see her with us, that will stir up more trouble. If I let her out, she can be in danger as well. I think she can handle it by herself. She doesn't need our fucking protection.

Darren suddenly raised his voice, "Brandon! I know that you're a gang leader and we're the most feared gang but let me say this one last time. She. Saved. Our. Fucking. Life!" This is exactly why I don't like anyone intruding our business.

"Calm down, Darren." Vincent voiced out.

Darren's tone surprised me and I said in a low voice, "I'm going to think this through for the night. I'll have my decision by tomorrow morning."

The boys calmed Darren down but his anger doesn't seem to lessen. My cousin has never raised his voice to me. This situation must have probably pushed his limits.

Suddenly, loud gunshots erupted in the whole house.

"Ready your weapons," I ordered. My gang will never go down without a fight. 

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