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Third Person's P.O.V

"So you are telling me that he's that criminal's adopted son?" The cop questioned him raising his eyebrows.

"Yes. I have told you everything. I have also recorded his confession as a proof. That Big Boss was the one who killed my dad and also the real Ajay and his parents." Reyansh said, clenching his jaw.

"It's good that you have recorded his confession. It can certainly be used as a proof and I am sure he'll be behind the bars and not even his adopted father can save him. Even though we got hold of his son, we still don't where he is and it's waste if asking Ajay because he keeps changing his location making it difficult to find him." The officer said scratching his beard.

"I think we should tell about his son. He will certainly try to do something and it will become easy for us to catch him. His enmity is with me so it's better if I tell him. I'll provoke him and he wouldn't have any other choice but to come to his rescue. A ways he doesn't know that his adopted son was the one who called and informed the police about Hardik. If he knows this then he won't hesitate to kill him."

"Yes you should try talking to him. He's not easy to fool but I hope he at least loves his son enough to come for him." He said.

"Okay then. I'll bring him here tomorrow. Thank you." Reyansh shook his hands with the officer and left.


"Hello? Who is this?" A man answered the call when Reyansh tried calling the number given to him by his P.I.

"I am Reyansh Malhotra. I want to talk to your boss. Tell him it's urgent.' Reyansh replied after clearing his throat.

"W-What? Okay wait a minute." That man replied replied nervously and there was some shuffling on the other side of the phone.

"Hello." A gruff voice came from the other side and Reyansh smirked knowing that his end has finally come.

"Hello Big Boss. How are you?" Reyansh asked him mockingly and that man gritted his teeth in irritation.

"Reyansh you little piece-" He was cut off but Reyansh who laughed out loud making him more mad.

"Ah! Let's not just tell profanities at each other. I don't have time for this and I just called you to remind you about your so call son Ajay who's currently in my control." Reyansh smirked.

"What the hell did you do to him? Why did you call me?" He spat with irritation and anger lacing his voice, slight tensing when he heard the words so called.

"Nah I didn't do anything. I just asked him to tell me everything and he did so without much trouble for which I am very happy for as I don't want to get my hands dirty." Reyansh replied with satisfaction.

"W-What? He's my son. He will never reveal my anything even if you torture him."  Big boss said proudly making Reyansh laugh.

"Oh god. You are so naive. How did you even become a Mafia King. Your son is such a coward. He spiller the beans without even me trying to do anything to him and I just wanted to let you know that I am handing him over to the police tomorrow." Reyansh informed now turning serious

"N-No, What the f**k!" Big boss exclaimed turning hysterical.

"Goodbye Big Boss. Your end has arrived." Reyansh muttered and hung up the call causing him to yell profanities at him.

"No no this can't be happening. That asshole. Ungrateful brat." He muttered and ran his hands through his hair. His whole body was tensed and he told his men to pack up and leave this place as soon as possible.


"Sir I-I...." He panted and stopped talking and inhaled sharply.

"What? Did you get to know anything? Tell me." Big boss yelled clutching the poor man's shoulder in a tight grip.

"Yes sir." He replied and startled telling what happened.

"As you have ordered I didn't try to kill them and decided to come back when I heard that Reyansh speaking to someone in the phone. After he hung he was telling his wife that Ajay gained consciousness. He immediately got up and left in search of Ajay sir. I successfully followed them and got to know about the place Ajay sir was kept. He didn't doubt me because they all though I was one of the guards who was working for Reyansh so it's completely fine. After knowing about Ajay sir's whereabouts I decided to head back and tell you but then I stopped in my tracks when I heard one of the guard talking. They both were talking to each other and as I was not so far away from them, I was able to catch some pieces of their conversation. A-Ajay sir was the one w-who informed the cops about H-Hardik sir. I was really shocked and was not ready to believe but then they were the one who were inside that room and they must have obviously heard what he said. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't listen to the two guards speaking to me. They asked me who I am and it looked like they were suspicious so I immediately ran away from there before they could tell Reyansh and managed to come here to tell you all this. Now what should we do sir?" That person told him everytime looking down and when he didn't hear any response he lifted his to see what happened.

He became pale and gulped hard taking few steps back.

Big Boss was boiling in anger and his hands were fisted at the sides. His was raging though he appeared to calm and punched to walk hard.

"That ungrateful brat. I gave him my name and he was the cause of the death of my dear child. I will not leave him. I will kill him. He doesn't deserve to live. He should die. He should die." He started murmuring like a maniac and again punched the wall beside not caring of the massive amount of blood dropping from his hands.

He screamed in frustration and anger and looked at the man with bloodshot eyes. The poor man scrambled back scared of his boss who was not acting like a psycho.

He took his pistol and aimed it at the man who begged of this life.

Big boss smirked evilly and fired a bullet but the man was fast enough to open the door and run away.

He closed his eyes tightly and opened them now mad at Ajay who according to him would be dead in the next few hours.

"Harry, ask that man the address of the place where Ajay is kept as a captive and call me. Understood?" He ordered and the person on the other side meekly replied a yes and hung up.

Even though he scared the man, Big Boss was sure that he wouldn't have gone too far because he knows that his family's life is in his hands.

"I won't leave anyone who betrays me. I will kill everyone." He whispered in the dark smirking evilly.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day and keep smiling! 😊

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