Chapter Four-

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As pissed as I was at Daemon, I found myself enjoying the cowardly display Drake was showcasing whenever I was near him. His eyes would shoot directly down to the floor, staring at it like it was the most interesting thing since sliced bread.

I somewhat felt pity for him and a sense of responsibility for his injuries which was a black eye (Dave never mentioned that Daemon had landed that) and by the way he was curling over his mid-section, I deduced that it was pretty much badly bruised if not a broken rib.

I wasn't that worried about Daemon getting into trouble from anyone. 

Drake will be too scared to tell his parents and if he did, Daemon would undeniably finish what he started and Drake's parents wouldn't try to do anything to the Matthews. In our small town in the middle of Wisconsin, the Matthews were practically gods, untouchables, which added to Daemon's appeal and popularity.

As soon as History finished I headed to Drake, feeling that I should at least say something.

His eyes widened in terror as he watched me head towards him before darting towards the doorway, looking for any sign of Daemon Matthews.

"Hey," I began after I stood there for twenty seconds with him not saying anything. "About the..." I nodded at his bruised body, "I'm very-"

"It's alright Santana," Drake interrupts, his voice shaking slightly. "I shouldn't have done what I did in the first place. I thought since Matthews was off... you know doing what he did, he'd have backed off from you. I guessed wrong." He sighed. "So..." he paused, eyes darted once more towards the door. " and Matthews, right?"

"Me and Daemon what?"

"You two together?"

I nearly convulse with laughter as I wait for a minute and see that he is being serious. "No!" I explode. "No, we're not together. At all."

Drake arches a brow as if he doesn't believe me. I regret ever having considered apologizing to him. "A guy doesn't warn other guys off a girl unless it's his sister or he wants her."

"That's it. I'm like his sister," I conclude.

"Yeah and I'm the Pope," he chuckles lowly. "Whatever you say Santana. But a word of bad as I am, Daemon Matthews is much, much worse."

I sigh, knowing already what he was talking about after having watched Daemon for years, changing girls like they were a new pair of socks and leaving them after one night in his or their bed. Drake had just gotten out of a relationship with Georgia Newman whom he'd dated for five months whereas Daemon as far as I know has never dated anyone. Ever.


I silently cursed Drake as I walked into the cafeteria, my eyes swiftly landing on Daemon with the blonde that was Jenna Flynn sitting on his lap, feeding him an apple. Yeah, he definitely looked like he wanted me. He wanted me so much that he had a different blonde from the one yesterday sitting on his lap.

I hated myself too for hoping slightly, that what Drake had said was true. Yes, I had feelings for my best friend. Yes, I've had it for a while. And no, Daemon doesn't know about it.

Ignoring them I headed for the extending by the second line and quickly grabbed a turkey sandwich, an apple and a Pepsi before heading for the popular table, the one drop dead in the middle of the cafeteria where only the populars ate at. I was only included of course because of Daemon. No other reason and I knew that.

Daemon didn't acknowledge me as I sat down, his attention focused solely on Jenna.

Golden locks that screamed a King's ransom price curtained down, framing her face. Huge blue eyes and a perfectly made up face. She adorned her figure in a tight, figure hugging red mini dress that came up to two inches above her knees. Yes, she was on the cheer-leading team.

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