Ch. 15: Staying Over

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Ch. 15

~Cameron POV~

“Bye momma!” I waved at my mom as I skipped to my daddy’s car.

I still can’t believe that I actually have a daddy! This is so cool. I mean, I love my mom just as much, but now that I have a dad, I can do cool things with him like all of my friends. “So, you ready for this weekend, bud?” Daddy asked when he got into the car.

“Yes!” I shouted.

He laughed and winked at me through the mirror before turning around to face me in the backseat. “You have on your seatbelt?” I nodded my head and kept on smiling. “Alright! I guess we can get this show on the road then, can’t we?” He turned back around and put on his own seatbelt before starting to drive down the road. “What do you want to do this weekend?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged and watched out the window. I didn’t know where we were going. I’ve never been to his house before. This was a new adventure. I can’t wait to see where we’re going. I wonder if he has any toys at his house! “Do you have any trucks and cars at your house?”

“Uh, I may have a few things at my house. I guess we’ll have to see. Did you pack any with you in your backpack?” He asked and looked at me for a minute through his mirror again, like my mommy does when she talks to me in the car.

I tapped my chin with my finger, “I don’t remember.”

“I bet mommy remembered to pack you some toys. I’m sorry, kid. I don’t think I have many toys at my house right now, but we can change that this weekend. What do you say tomorrow we go to the store and get you some?” He asked.

Really? We could go buy more toys? I love toys! “Okay! I like that idea!”

“Cool! So we have something to do tomorrow.” He smiled at me. “I can’t wait for you to meet my fiancé again. She’s excited for you to come over and to play with you.”

I frowned. “You mean that mean lady from the restaurant that mommy didn’t get along with?” I didn’t like her when I met her last time. She was mean to my mommy and I don’t like when people are mean to my mom.

Daddy frowned at me. “I promise she won’t be mean this time. She’s very excited to get to know you. I’m sorry she was mean to your mommy that night. Will you give her a chance?”

I sighed, “Oh, fine.”

~Zach POV~

I was glad that he was going to give Christy a chance. She said she was sorry for the way she had acted and she was willing to give Cameron a chance, especially since he was my son and I told her he was going to be a part of my life whether she liked it or not. I watched as his eyes widened when we pulled up to my huge white house. There were plants along the front of it, with large hedges at the corners of the porch setting it off and a big white porch swing on the bottom porch.

“Whoa!” Cam breathed out.

“You like it?” I asked, parking my car and getting out so that I could help him get out as well.

He nodded, “It’s really big! I might get lost in here!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I promise to make sure you don’t get lost.” I leaned the seat down so he could climb out of the back and out of the car. “Hang on and let me grab your backpack.” I shut the passenger door and popped the trunk and grabbed out his ninja turtle backpack. I chuckled seeing it. Man that brought back memories.

“Come on, let’s go. I’ll show you the room that you’ll be staying it. I’ve had it all set up for you. I see you like ninja turtles and trucks?” I asked him, leading him into the house.

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