Chapter 19

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I have been trying to avoid Britta after the incident of that day, only the moon goddess knows what she is plotting now.

"Kate, are you avoiding me? " O moon goddess I hope that not Britta since my senses have dulled I can't tell who is who through scent.

I slowly turn around " oh Lillian what are you doing here?" I asked letting go of the breath I have been holding.

Did I also mention I have also been avoiding everyone? Yep, my new mission is to make sure no one sees me like this.

what a stupid question, what will she be doing here for crying out loud this is her home, I can't believe I am so scared of Britta.

"Sorry I meant to say how are you doing? " I ask laughing nervously.

"are you okay ?" she asked staring at me suspiciously.

"yes, why would you think I am not okay? I look fine right you must be seeing wrong because I am fine look at me I am perfectly fine don't worry about me. you are very funny why will you think that----" I say in one breath.

"KATE" she yells getting my attention.

"what?" I say breathing heavily.

"you kept ranting I was just asking because you look sick and kind of scared if I didn't know you better I would think you are hiding something life-threatening, " she says giving me a look.

Dammit, I need to put my mind together " sorry, I am just tired after training this morning " I lied thinking of ways to escape this situation.

" no worries I was looking for you because we are going to Becca's home she says she needs our help on something". She says walking past me.

"where are you girls going" comes the annoying voice of no one other than Lawrence.

"As you can see your highness we are on our way to see Becca " I saw mockingly trying to act strong and unfazed.

"Okay you can go but be back later in the afternoon for the training today," he says walking away maybe to his office. I don't care.

"What an obscene asshole," I say glaring at his back while Lillian chuckles.

We arrived at Becca's home or you can say Ethan and Becca's home because he lives here more than he lives at the mansion.

I knock on the door until we heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Ethan opens the door standing in all his handsome glory with only his sweatpants hugging loosely on his waist.

" look at those abs I could run my hand through them all day, " Lillian says licking her lips to get Becca jealous and it worked because we heard a loud growl coming from inside. " Get your eyes off my mate Lillian," she says angrily.

"chill girl I was only joking, you don't have to be jealous I have Anderson remember," Lillian says laughing.

"I love when you get all Possessive," Ethan says kissing Becca on the lips making me look anywhere but them.

" so Ethan no training today ?" I ask sitting on the couch with Lillian.

The house has a welcoming feeling with a TV, couch, and beautiful design and painted with bright colors. I have known Becca for her creative skills.

" no, because there would be a fighting defense later this afternoon," he says bringing Becca to sit on his lap.

" fighting defense ?" never heard of that.

"it an event, when you are allowed to fight against any werewolf, expect the alpha king, Luna queen, royal beta, and royal gamma," Becca says casually.

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