Chapter 14.

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"What the hell is that?!" I ask as I scurry backwards.

As an answer, I hear Clarke yell, "Bellamy, gun!"

I look around at Bellamy who stands there helplessly, and look down to where his gun was meant to be as his hip, but wasn't.

"How the hell do you lose a gun, Blake?" I snap, but then jump when gunshots are fired from nearby.

Wells, with Bellamy's gun in his hand shoots--very badly--at our attacker that advances towards us.

I vaguely hear Finn yell my name over the gunshots and scurry backwards, my back hitting the base of the tree.

Wells' job of killing the animal does no use as it continues to charge right at us. Right at me.

"MURPHY!" I turn and try to climb up the tree, scraping my knees against the harsh bark as I do. Murphy hastily grabs my arms and pulls me the rest of the way up, out of reach from the animal advancing towards us.

After countlessly shooting, Wells manages to wound it slightly, and a growl of pain is heard. There's a pause as the animal hides in the tall grass around us, we all stay silent and look around. I feel a lot safer up in the tree, but I watch Bellamy dart around on his feet as his head swivels with the moving grass, frantically looking down at the shrubs trying to see the creature.

It felt like forever until silence was heard, the shrubs and grass stop moving and so do we. The animal has either died from its wound caused by idiotic Wells, or it's simply waiting to attack.

I couldn't help but yell Bellamy's name when it happened to be the latter, the large, four legged animal jumping up towards him. Wells fires a shot just as it was in mid air and the it collapses to the ground in front of him, breathing heavily, just as we all are. Wells tries to fire more shots but is merely met with clicks, signalling the gun is empty.

When I look down and see the animal unmoving except for it's heavy breathes, I then let out a sigh of relief.

I look over at Wells when he drops the gun to the ground, clearly shocked at what he just did.

"Now she sees you." Bellamy tells him.

Wells turns to look at Clarke, who has a scared look on her face as she stares at her lifelong best friend. I don't blame her, even I'm shocked that Wells had the balls to do that.

I guess being on the ground is bringing out a different side to everyone.

I jump down from the tree, wincing slightly from the pain the impact has on my now slightly sore knee.

"Thanks Murphy." I say to him, he nods at me in return.

"Any excuse to get close to me, eh Carter?" He teases and he and Finn carry on cutting Jasper loose, and I laugh lightly before standing above the now dead animal that tried to attack us.

"You all right?" I ask Bellamy, who stares down at the creature before us, he glances up at me and nods wordlessly.

"At least now we won't all starve." Finn says, and I suddenly realise he's right, we can take this animal back to camp with us.

"The thought should probably repulse me," I admit, with a small shake of my head, "but right now I'm way too hungry to care."

Since livestock use too much oxygen, the Ark occupants have had a vegetarian based diet for generations now, so I can't even begin to imagine would meat would taste like. 

Would it taste weird because of the amount of radiation levels? The water doesn't taste that weird, I guess. I shake the random thought from my head. 

"Hey princess, anything in that bag of yours we can use to carry this thing back?" Bellamy calls over to her, but she stands mute, staring at Wells' back still.

I walk towards them and pick up the gun from the ground, glaring at Wells.

"Next time you decide to become a hero Jaha, you better make damn sure that it's not my life on the line." I don't wait for his reply before moving to Clarke, gaining her attention.

She opens her bag and produces a tent, passing it to me without a word before rushing over to Finn and Murphy who successfully get Jasper down from the tree.

Wells takes over from Murphy and instead makes his way over to Bellamy the same time I do, passing them the tent, and Bellamy his gun.

It was a lot heavier than I imagined a small handgun to be, but it still does a heck of a lot of damage. 

I can't help but wonder where Bellamy got the gun from. The same place he got the guard's uniform, maybe? Did he steal them or did someone give them to him?

The thought of him having a gun still makes me slightly on edge, but calmer now that I know the barrel is empty. 

"We have to get him back so I can take a proper look at this." Clarke says from where she analyses Jasper.

"All right, then let's get the hell outta here." I say as the guys gather both Jasper and the animal, Clarke and I leading the way back to camp in silence.

Fearless (Bellamy Blake - Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें