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I sat in the hospital, biting my nails while my leg shook consistently. The hospital contacted the rest of the family.

They was sitting as far as possible from me. I didn't care though, I liked that.

I looked over seeing my aunty storm in. She looked so evil. When she looked at me her facial expression seemed like she'd just seen s ghost. She had so much venom in her eyes.

I took a deep breath already knowing she was about to be on some bullshit.

"Nyema sit down!" I heard whisper-yell.

"Hell no , I don't know why this little hoe here!"

My eyebrows raised. "She not talking about me" I assured myself. This hospital was the last place I wanted to beat a bitch ass.

Family or not, disrespect not tolerated. Especially at this moment.

She stormed over to me, standing in front of me."Why you here? Don't you have somewhere to be?" She asked.

I looked up at her. Not liking how she was looking down at me. So I stood up.

"What you mean why I'm here? My grandma in that room. And last time I checked the hospital was a public building. Anyone's welcome. I'm not causing problems so I'm coo' , what about you? Why you hear?"

"You know what? Let me speak some truth on your little hoe ass. You think you the shit huh? Well stop thinking. Nykell. Do you want to know the real reason your daddy was killed? Because of you! Your fast ass got rapped and he went to kill the nigga who did it! Turns out your hoe ass mom was cheating and the nigga she was cheating with ended up wanting your ass more than her!"

"Oh yeah, and leave Woowoo alone. Your family have a reputation on hoeing around on good men. Don't fuck his life up because of yours already being damaged."

At this point, the counting method wasn't working. I wanted to kill her right now at this moment.

I punched her ass in her face, causing her to fall down. As soon as she fell down I began punching her non stop. I grabbed her face and looked directly in her eyes. "Bitch, you don't know shit about me. Never have never will. Fuck you"

I didn't stop, I couldn't stop. I began stopping her face. Bright red blood began coloring the white floor she was laying on.

"Oh my god! Somebody help me hey her off of her" someone yelled trying to pull me off. I looked over and seen a security running over.

I looked down at her bloody face and spat on it. "Let the be the last time you disrespect me, bitch".

I yanked away from the person holding me and made my way out. Ignoring the stares and whisperers, also the security guard who was asking me to stop.

I got outside immediately getting cold. The rain was pouring down hard and I didn't have no ride home.

I pulled my phone out and went to prince contact. I put the phone up to my ear and aloud it to ring.

Walking back and fourth I bit my bottom lip. "Please answer prince". I didn't have no money for a cab. And buses been stopped running.

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