Sneak Peak

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Something wasn't right. 

Everything seems too perfect here. 

Something's bound to happen. 

These thoughts continued to repeat in Serah's mind, she felt the sense of dread grow like a dull ache in her stomach. From the moment everyone aboard the ship heard the rogue transmission to the moment everyone landed on this mystery planet, the thought of a perfect planet outside everyones training for Origai-6 was far fetched.

She felt as though she were stuck in thought thinking over logical observations as she wondered aimlessly through the passageways of the unknown ship. The stones outside of the ship were most peculiar to her, looked much like the exotic fruits back on earth and she, being ever so curious, wanted to further investigate. However, she felt herself ignore the plants and her steps being very light and cautious around them before leaping for the ships entrance, being drenched in small waterfalls as a result. 

Why she didnt take a look,she could not say. 

It felt, to her, like someone else was leading her way into the paths she took; helping her gather her thoughts once more, thinking of Daniles words repeatedly. 

Though part of her wanted to believe in a happy ending and a second planet perfect for habitation. 

She knew better, there were no such things as happy endings. 


Only moments passed before she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end and what felt like ice prick throough her skin, her mind began to cloud and fog with dizziness and fatigue as she left the group a little further down; walking past Captain Orlin and toward another open room on the opposide side of the main controls of the ship. 



Her light began to flicker as the cold made her skin like ice and her breath perspirating in the air as she exhaled. She began to slow in her pace as she felt a gust of wind kissing at the back of her neck and a small, cold hands grip on her left shoulder. 

A groaning wheeze soon after. 

Serah knew what was to come next, she never grew used to it, and only feared it more from previous encounters. She tried to forcefully swallow the lump in her throat and compose herself, but, in all her years, she has never encountered something more gruesome than what she sees now. 

Turned around. 

Face to face. 

Eye contact with deathly grey orbs. 

She let out a scream, as did Serah, before lunging forward and forcing Serah onto the ground. Her jaw was unhinged and looked torn from its joints and ligaments, her uniform in disarray as her midsection completely torn apart as though she were a disection experiment. Serah tried to regain her balanc as she continued to scream in pure terror, the ghostly woman could only scream at Serah and shout incoherently as though she were begging for mercy. 


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