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Chapter 7

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'So are you going to go read to her in French?' I ask Harper, as I'm wiping up the stray coffee grounds from under the grinder.

'I can't understand it all, yet,' Harper says. 'But I will.'

'How's Lord of the Rings going, anyway?' I ask, because I'm been pressuring him to read it for a while.

'I'm halfway through The Return of the King,' Harper says.

'Really?' I say, spinning around to face him. I'm delighted. The last time I spoke to Harper about this he was only just getting into the first book in the series.

Harper laughs, because I must look a bit ridiculous, standing there with a huge grin on my face, brandishing the cloth covered in coffee grounds.

'Yeah, so did I tell you I'm quitting smoking?' he says. 'And I've never really been a daytime smoker anyway, but sometimes I get the urge, and instead of smoking I've been forcing myself to read a chapter of Lord of the Rings until the craving passes,' Harper says.

'Aw, Harper, I'm actually so proud of you for that,' I say.

'Hey, don't be proud of me just yet,' Harper says. 'It's only been a few weeks. We'll see how I go next time I get drunk.'

'So how are you liking it?' I ask him.

'Not smoking? It's hard,' Harper says.

'No, Lord of the Rings!'

'Oh, it's good, yeah,' Harper says. 'Bit waffly.'

'Okay, stop. You can't tell me a bad word about Lord of the Rings because it's physically impossible for me to accept it,' I say.

'Look at you, little fantasy nerd,' Harper says. 'You don't look it, Jane.'

'I don't know what fantasy nerds are supposed to look like,' I say. 'Glasses, maybe?'

Because Harper's behind the counter, when the next customer approaches she asks Harper for her order, which means Harper starts making a coffee.

'What are you doing?' I ask him, when he gives the lady her coffee. 'You're not getting paid right now.'

'It's worth it to come hang out with you,' Harper says with a grin. 'But you're right. I might go sit by Mrs Dubose.'

'Read Lord of the Rings, if you've got so much time,' I say, and I poke out my tongue at him as he crosses the store.

'Stop flirting and make coffee,' Kitty says, as she rejoins me behind the counter.

'Oh, shush,' I say. 'You know I'm not getting with Harper.'

'I can see your eyes sparkling every time you speak to him,' Kitty says.

'Well you're the one who told me it's not a good idea,' I say. 'So unless you've changed your mind...?'

'Two days ago you slept with the ex-boyfriend that you cheated on your other ex-boyfriend with,' Kitty says. 'I don't think you're really in a position to jump into anything.'

'I know, I know! That's why I'm not flirting with Harper,' I say again.

'And I still think you should consider finding a therapist in London,' Kitty says. 'I can't believe it, but I actually agree with your dad on this one.'

'Your dad,' I say.

'He's not my dad,' Kitty says. 'He's my biological father. Big difference.'

'Okay, fine,' I say. 'But honestly, I'm fine. Mum's death was a huge shock, yeah, and I went through a rough time, but I'm good now.'

'Well I want you to talk to me the minute you stop feeling good,' Kitty says. 'Because you are kinda my responsibility, so I need to look out for you.'

'Why do you think I'm suddenly gonna spiral again?' I ask Kitty.

'I'm just worried about the whole Matt situation, and now you've gone and slept with Joseph, it kinda suggests to me that you're making those reckless choices that you made in the months after your mum's death.'

'I was just drunk and hooked up with a guy,' I say. 'It happens to the best of us.'

'Well maybe don't get so drunk next time,' Kitty says with a shrug.

We both look up as the bell rings above the door, but it's just Sylvie walking in. Sylvie's wearing a t-shirt and leggings, but she elevates the look with her makeup and perfectly straight, shiny black hair.

'Hey,' she says, leaning over the counter. 'Do you have anything like, really chocolatey?'

'I haven't had time to bake anything,' I say apologetically. 'But there are still a few of those store-bought brownies.'

'That'll do,' Sylvie says. 'It's that time of the month and I need something sweet.'

'I got you,' I say, grabbing a brownie for Sylvie. 'You want a coffee?'

'Mm, nope,' Sylvie says. 'Coffee makes cramps worse.'

'That can't be true,' I say.

'Ooh, I've heard that!' Kitty says. 'You know what you need? Green tea.'

'Yeah, I'm gonna make a giant pot of it upstairs,' Sylvie says. 'I'm working on a short story today. And watching that Netflix show Will recommended. Hey, do you guys wanna come out this weekend?'

'Yeah, sure,' I say. 'Where to?'

'Jane!' Kitty says. I stare at her. She pulls a face.

'Jane is supposed to be drinking less,' Kitty says.

'Oh, you don't have to drink anything,' Sylvie says with a smirk, and a flick of her hair. 'Anyway, it's up to you! Charlotte and I were planning to go to Printworks. I think Harper might join.'

'I'm in,' I say, glancing over at Harper, who has taken over a whole sofa by sprawling across it, and has Return of the King held in the air.

'Subtle,' Kitty says.

'Okay, thanks for the brownie, I'm going to go make myself the biggest pot of green tea and sit in bed and cry about my feelings, and try to write this short story,' Sylvie says. 'Love yous.'

'Bye!' Kitty and I call out as Sylvie leaves. Harper raises one hand in a lazy wave.

'Okay, while there are no customers, can you help me with this stack of new stock we just got in?' Kitty asks. I follow Kitty up towards the bookshelves, where there's a box of books waiting to be unpacked. It might just be my favourite sight.

'Oh, what are these?' I ask, as I pull them out.

'I begged Ed that we'd start buying these short story collections and literary journals from little indie presses,' Kitty explains, flicking through one of the literary journals. 'Ed complained because he thinks no one will buy them, but I really think we can champion them.'

'Okay, let Charlotte and me work out a few social media posts for this,' I say, examining a few of the beautiful front covers. 'I think it's a nice spin; selling the small name anthologies of fiction as well as all the popular books. I mean, I hate to say it, but the world doesn't need another copy of Potter. These new writers are the ones who need our support.'

'Maybe we should make a stand?' Kitty asks.

'A stand against Harry Potter?' I say, incredulous.

'No! Like, a stand of journals, at the front of the store,' Kitty says.

'Oh, yes, much better idea,' I say. 'Who's good at building things?'

We glance at Harper, who is still lazily lounging on the sofa, and then exchange a look.


'Yeah, Ed.'

Author's Note

Thanks for reading, lovelies!

What is your best cure for that time of the month? Asking for a friend... haha

xx Elle

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