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SofieButterfly made this awesome cover for this. I didn't want to change the cover, but it was too awesome of her to do that to not show it to you all.


"Recognized: Batman. 02." The teleporter flashed brightly, and the Dark Knight stepped out of the alcove.

Robin was ready to go when he arrived. He had a new notepad on him listing every book (comic and otherwise) he needed to read, along with emails to use to contact select members in their free time.

"Are you ready to go?" Batman asked.

Robin shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be." He fiddled mindlessly with a batarang, twirling it between his fingers.

Batman looked toward the team. "We'll be back tomorrow." He turned back to the teleporter, and Robin followed him into it. As he felt the familiar warmth envelop him, he turned back and raised his hand in farewell to his new comrades. He wasn't sure they could see him, and he couldn't be sure of anything with the bright light around him, but he thought he could see a couple of them wave back.

Then he was in that awful place of floating, unable to see anything, only aware of the sheer nothing around him. He hated it just as much as the last time; the only difference was that he knew what to brace himself for. But, fortunately, he could feel his feet coming to existence on the floor in the booth before panic could set in.

He cleared his throat to compose himself as Batman unlocked the Batmobile and climbed in. Once Robin was sure he had a hold of himself, he jogged to catch up and hopped in. "Now what?" he asked. "Patrol?"

Bruce half-turned to him. "You're going to go back to the manor. You need the rest after your training today." Robin opened his mouth to reply, but promptly shut it again. They both stayed quiet for a moment, but then Bruce broke the silence. "How was the Team?"

Immediately, the day's events came spilling forth like a torrent. "They're so cool! We watched a ton of Avengers movies, and it's so cool how they fight these huge armies of invading aliens and as they're in life-or-death situations they're still joking and having fun as a team! They-- the team told me about so much that I need to catch up on, and in our free time, we're going to watch a bunch of TV shows and movies and stuff. They gave me this list of books I need to read, and some of them sound reeeeaaallly good. There's also some videos on there, but that's not that big a deal. But what I did get was KF's and Artemis's emails so I can ask them some questions when I think of them instead of waiting for the next day. And they made them just for this, so they don't have to worry about me knowing their identities or anything."

"That's good. You need to communicate with people your age."

"Uh-huh. So now I can ask them which movies we're planning on watching tomorrow."

"You probably won't have another full day off like that, but you might have some free time eventually." They pulled into the Batcave. "And I had Alfred open up the library, in case you wanted to grab a few books to read before you go to sleep."

Robin rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment. "I might just have to take you up on that offer." With that, he hopped out and disappeared up the stairs in a heartbeat.

Bruce chuckled, shaking his head. "What was that all about?" he asked Alfred, pulling up files from the Batcomputer.

Alfred set a tray of food and tea next to the keyboard. "I'm sure I don't know, sir."

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