Loosened and Restrained

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

No apology left her lips. Her gaze merely became hardened. He should be thankful that she hadn't used her left hand, or her wedding ring would've done some damage. Stunned, Tarhuinn brought his left hand up to his cheek before he emitted a near growl. Holding onto caution, she took a step back, but she kept her left hand secured tightly around his right wrist. She wasn't going to permit him to charge off and ruin her hard work.

Before he could speak, well, more likely yell, she exclaimed, "Just listen to me! Don't take apart what I worked so hard towards!" As he was about to counter, she tugged on him more. "You may have heard reports from the pixies, but you weren't there to experience it. You didn't witness with your own eyes what h*ll I went through to get to this point. Sure, the first two days made it seem like I was enjoying myself, but I was absolutely terrified on the inside.

"I remained pleasant with him because I wanted to avoid taking the pixies' suggested route. I may have laughed a few times with him, but it was nothing more than that. Last night should prove to you that I have no intention of protecting him once he aids the pixies. As soon as he deals with the other mage, you may kill him to your heart's content if that's what you want. The sick pervert will receive no more mercy from me. Just for right now, forget about him. Please, Tarhuinn."

Wrenching his wrist from her grip, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against a nearby tree. "And, what about the information that you were trying to hide from me?"

"I wanted to keep that a secret because I knew that you would erupt into fury. If you really want to protect me, wouldn't your ultimate goal be to get me this possible serum? You would be extending my life that way. Put your anger towards that goal instead of on some wretched mage. He can wait, but we may only have so much time to act before we're discovered by the five authors. Who knows if a spy is reporting to them this instant."

"Did he do anything else to you?" When she looked hesitant, he barked out, "Tell me, or I won't even consider your plea!"

Glancing away from him, she smoothed back her still drying hair. She bit her bottom lip. His previous actions before last night weren't nearly as bad, but the fact that he did so in secret was what made them so horrifying. Not only that but it was also embarrassing to explain such things. (F/n) felt that if she were to even utter them she would be dirtying herself.

Bringing her cloak closer around her, she peered back over to him. His patience was almost expired. She forced herself to bring words to her mouth before she parted her lips and slowly explained what else had occurred. Tarhuinn's countenance remained uneasily calm during her accounts. When she finished, he motioned for her to come over to him. Cautiously, she did so.

Upon reaching him, he softly pulled back her cloak and right sleeves. His fingers traced over the mark before he met her gaze. "I'll let this one heal before I place a new one here. That way there will be no traces of his mark left." Heat dusted itself across her cheeks as she gave no other response to his words.

Picking up her right hand, he upturned her palm to him. Despite the skin being healed, the image of Will sliding a blade across it was all too easy to see. Tarhuinn rubbed his thumb in small circles there before he placed a gentle kiss on her skin. The heat in her cheeks grew, but he soon pulled away.

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