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Things have been going well the past month, and with the assistance of Luna Jessica and Beta Amy...as well as Dakota, I'm growing quite familiar with the life of a pack member, even if it was a bit overwhelming at first.

Thankfully, Dakota's pack doesn't officially have to do a ceremony to welcome me to the pack, just the Alpha's invitation is all that's needed, which I accepted...and my first shock was the numerous voices entering my thoughts through what Dakota called the 'pack mind link', which I've come to understand and tune out with my mates help.

Still, the first week was particularly challenging for me, because almost anytime I left the house I ended up lost...much to Dakota's amusement and concern. However, with the girls showing me the tricks to navigating the expansive area, and Dakota convincing me to go on wolf runs at night, I've figured out enough to manage...

In the process of these explorations, I've also seen where he trains the pack warriors...one of his main duties as gamma. I was a bit startled at first about how intense the fighting seemed, but he assured me it was only training to prepare for the real deal...that no one ever tried to intentionally injure each other, except when they were pissed with each other, but it didn't happen often.

Truthfully though, I found myself quite enamored with watching him train...me and my wolf both enjoying the view of our mate sweaty and wearing nothing but shorts. Dakota definitely seemed to pick up on that, so afterwards he would occasionally 'forget' his lunch at home so I would come down again, which was the reason I saw him the first time.

I do enjoy seeing him at lunch though, so if I see his food in the fridge I take it to him happily...along with mine so we can eat together.

Sighing, I hang the last shirt in the laundry basket on the clothesline, the warm breeze making it flap in the air along with the rest of me and Dakotas clothing. It's pretty hard to believe how much clothing he can go through in one day, and with both the dirt and grass stains, and the fact he didn't separate his clothes to wash them, I'm honestly surprised anything of his was clean...and void of color bleeding. From now on he's only allowed to fold laundry, which he is pretty good at and willing to do since I won't let him wash anything. I'm not taking a chance with my clothes, I spent my hard earned money on them after all.

Going inside the house through the back door, I take the basket upstairs to our bedroom to strip the bed, the sheets and blankets being next to wash. As I pull the pillowcases off of the pillows, yesterday's conversation with Jessica comes back to my thoughts.

"I'm honestly surprised that Dakota hasn't marked you yet, with him being so territorial and all."

I tilt my head in confusion, not quite sure what she's talking about.

"What do you mean?" I ask, and she chuckles.

"You haven't noticed? Most male wolves are so territorial over their mates, the higher ranked ones are the most. Don't you remember his reaction to those young warriors flirting with you last week? The growling and the death glare? I thought he was gonna go all Neanderthal 'my woman' on them." She laughs out the last part.

Now that she mentions it, he was quite possessive...and not just that day. He always seems to prefer to stay close to me, or hold my hand, or do that thing where he rubs under my chin like he would a cat...which makes me and Aurora purr much to my embarrassment, the main reason he does it so much....

And let's not forget how much he enjoys cuddling, which is adorable and enjoyable to me. I've spent almost every night falling asleep in his arms, and waking up in them with either my back or my head curled into his chest.

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