Chapter 8

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Sierra p.o.v
It's been hours since I left Nate at the restaurant. He didn't even bother to come after me, not that I wanted him to. Still it hurts to know he'd leave me knowing I'm upset.

I hear the elevator ding and from the corner of my eye I see a large figure entering and pacing towards me. I stand up thinking it was Nate but was horrified to see who it really was.


He lunged at me, grabbed my hair pulling me to the floor. I yelled out for help but no ones here. No ones here for me, I have to help myself.
I begin to fight back but that probably wasn't my best idea. He continued to hit me until eventually I stopped screaming, I stopped fighting.

"I told you he'd leave you eventually." He laughs.
"He didn't leave me." I scream.
"Where's He now then? He doesn't want you. You're just a slag he's banging for fun." He chuckles.
I look down at the floor not daring to reply.
"Hang on. You haven't even put out yet. What a frigid bitch." He mocks.
"Once you do it's over for the two of you. He's using you because you haven't put out for him as easily. Men love the chase babe but he'll get bored soon."
"Why haven't you!" I scream.
With that he pushed his lips on mine before whispering...
"Because watching you suffer is fun."
And with that he left.


I don't know how long I was laying there; hoping to wake up from another awful nightmare but eventually I realised it wasn't just a nightmare. This is my life, my hell.

I head upstairs into the bathroom to shower and before I know it I hear someone coming up the stairs. I walk outside my room to see Nate finally returning home. He looks a mess, his hair's scruffy and his ties loose.

In that moment I don't care where he's been or who's been with. I care that he's here NOW. I lock his eye contact and he observes me closely before walking towards me.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asks holding my face in his cold hands. I flinch when he traces his thumb over my cuts and bruises. Instead of answering, I throw my arms around his neck and begin sobbing into his chest. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear and gently runs his fingers through my tangled hair.

"What happened love?" He asks again in a softer tone. I'm not ready to confide in him. I know now I probably over reacted in the restaurant and that he didn't mean anything by it so I'm done being pissed with him. I'm done with feeling helpless, I have to be stronger.

"It's nothing, I'm going to bed." I say, drying my eyes and heading back to my room. As soon as I'm inside I take a sharp inhale before locking the door.

A sudden embrace awakens me. My eyes feel heavy and it's still dark outside.
"I know you don't wanna talk about what happened earlier and I'm not gonna push you to, just know when you want to I'm here."
"How did you get in?" I croak out.
"Spare key." He mutters.
We laid there in silence until eventually I was asleep again.

"Stop. Zane stop, I'm sorry."  I cry out. I can see Zane on top of me, doing what he always does when he's mad. He always takes it out on me because I'm the easy target.

"Hey, Sierra calm down. He's not here, it's just me love." I feel Nates tight arms wrap around me. Straddling me in his arms. I haven't slept peacefully for as long as I can remember. Everytime I close my eyes I think about him and what he did to me. It haunts me constantly, no matter what I do I can't get rid of the memories.

My breathing's increased and I can feel myself panicking. It used to be a lot harder and I'd suffer panic attacks all the time but it's as though Nate chases them away. He knows how to soothe me but I don't want to bring me into my messed up life. He doesn't deserve the pain it would cause him; that's why I can't tell him about my encounter with Zane earlier.

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