Part One

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The old woman laughed as I told her I had run away from home. She sat me down with a pot of gumbo and began to talk.

Chapter One:

I wasn't always an old hag. For a time I was a beautiful young woman. But there 'twas't no one around to see. I've lived in the damp marsh of the bayou since my 14th year on this earth.
I had run from my home, mother screaming behind me.
"You ain't got nowhere to go, Chile. You'll be on my doorstep tomorrow cryin'." I never looked back. I just ran and ran. When I stopped, I couldn't breathe. It was dark, and the moon was high in the sky. I knew I was on the coast of Louisiana. I could smell the bayou air. I didn't have anywhere to sleep for the night but I decided I didn't want to sleep on the ground with the gators nearby. So, I climbed up a tree and found myself a nook. I didn't move till the mornin' sun was comin' over the horizon. Worst sleep o my life. Everything ached. Nevertheless I jumped down from the tree and began mapping out my plan. There was a tiny island in the middle of the bayou. I would build a raft to take out and I would live on the island. How I was going to get food or water yet I didn't know. 

A/N: Hi, everyone. I apologize this is really short and has virtually no editing but I'll be back to work on it at some point. For now I'll leave it to y'alls imagination.


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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