Part 2

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"Beep, Beep, Beep" my alarm buzzes again. I sit up in my bed and a splitting pain shoots through my head. "Ugh," I groan. Loki rushes to my side and I clip on his vest that I left on my bedside table. I brace on his harness and push myself into my wheelchair. "Not my best start of the day." I whisper to Loki. I roll my chair out of my room and down the hall where my mom has made breakfast. I throw together Loki's breakfast that today consists of chicken breast, liver, and Chia seeds. He wolfs down his and I try to down a pancake. I begin to feel nauseous after about a half and stop. About a year ago I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis which basically means that part of my stomach is paralyzed so I can't eat properly.
I arrive at the school as always at 7:30. The sunlight has just begun to gleam off the dew on the Rangerville High School Sign that hangs above the school entrance. Loki pulls me up the ramp and I buzz the intercom at the entrance. "Nora." I say. As my mom pulls away I wave and I hear the click of the door unlocking. Loki jumps up and hits the automatic door button. We enter the school and as always it's deserted except for a few staff members. "Good morning, Nora." Mrs. McKindly greets me. Mrs.McKindly runs the front desk at the school and always has a smile to share. (And a biscuit to give Loki). Mrs.M hands me a biscuit and I give it to Loki. "Hang in there today, sweetheart" she calls as I roll off to guide room. I pass several of the signs throughout the school that clearly state:

Service dog on premises

No matter how many signs there are, there's always kids who don't get it which is something you learn to live with. My guide room is Ms.Connolly's room. Ms.C is the art teacher and she's always been super nice to me. She's a really cool teacher and every time I've needed to talk she's been there. "Good morning, Ms.Connolly!" I smile as Loki pulls me into the room.

"Buzz." The warning bell goes off and the kids in my guide room slowly trickle in. There are six of us. Alaina, Lauren, Matt, Joshua, Claire, and me.

"Good Morning Rangerville High" the voice of our principal came over the announcements. "Today is an A day. Please stand for the pledge." Mr.Camigliano (the principal) is always kind enough to wait a little longer than normal so I have time to brace on Loki.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag or the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation. Under god. Indivisible. With liberty and justice for all." There is a thudding sound as everyone sits back down. Towards the end of the announcements mr.Camigliano states "And as a daily reminder; There is a service animal on the premises. Remember you are not to interfere with his work. Thank you and have a great day." I felt my face flush a little. I'm not one for attention and having a service dog sure turns plenty of heads. Claire looks over at me with a sort of disgusted look on her face "So aren't Service dogs for the disabled?" "Yeah." I reply. "Well you don't look disabled!" She retorts.
I sigh and Loki nudges my leg the song I'm getting worked up. I stroke his head and take a deep breath.

"Buzz" the bell rings. I enter the crowded hall and try to find an opening to have Loki pull me out. Eventually, I make my way to English. I'm late but my teachers know that it's hard for me to get through the halls so they never say anything. I move to a seat near the door and have Loki lie under the chair.
"Good morning class." Mrs.Miller greets us.
"Good Morning," we all reply in a monotone voice only teenagers could have. I slowly grudge through the day bit by bit and practically jump for joy when the bell rings for eighth period. I rush to the doorway of the keyboarding classroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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