Chapter 10: Surprises

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Kyle Andrews on the side->
P.S:-who watches Riverdale? 😍 I'm so sad that season 2 is over 😢
Don't play the song yet, I'll let you know when you have to play it.

A/N:-I want to dedicate this chapter to a lovely reader of mine, 14elleinabrow ♡ .Thank you for showing your kindness and love towards me, I wish the best for you!!


Samantha's POV

"Are you gonna stare at me like that or you will invite me inside?" he asked and I came back from my la la land.

"Right...Sorry, Please come in". I said and locked the door as soon as he stepped inside.

Oh my god,oh my god Sam just relax!!
Take deep breaths and act normal.

I mentally said to myself but how can you act normal in front of your childhood crush? Yeah people, he is my first crush Kyle Andrews and not to mention my brother's best friend.

I know what you are thinking, probably that I have no experience with boys right but being in a boarding school doesn't stop me from having a crush.

Okay, when I visited every summer and winter vacation here in Florida, I meet up with Kyle every time, he was with us in every occasion, we had so much, he was funny, caring, handsome and the most adorable boy I have ever known. He calls me 'princess' till now.

And I knew that he only sees me as his sister but I didn't care.

That's how I had fallen for him, but when little by little I grew up he was keeping distance from me and I don't know why.

I used to write about fantasies of him and me in my 'secret diary' every time I came home to visit and one day Dylan caught me, he shouted at me so much and said that Kyle and I will never be together and I didn't believe him,Lame, I know,until one day Kyle introduced me to his girlfriend and it broke my heart in tiny little pieces.

Don't judge me on this I was only 10 years old.

I cried so hard that night, then Dylan comforted me and said that if Dad somehow come to know about this he will go ballistic.

And to say Dad trusts Kyle so much, that's why I'm this close to him.

Otherwise, well you know my Dad.

It gave shivers by just thinking about it so I decided to forget about him. But,boy was I wrong.

It was like a mental and physical torture for me and years after I did forget about him but a little bit feelings were still there.

Just like now, I'm seeing him like, after one and half years later and still I feel something towards him.

And I still have the dairy and if Kyle ever came to know about it, I'll be so embarrassed.

So yeah that's me and Dylan's Little secret.

"Ahem ahem" someone cleared their throat and broke me from the flashback.

It was Dylan.

"Did you heard anything we said to you?" he asked and I shake my head in denial.

Dylan rolled his eyes and said, "We are going out for old times sake, so go and get ready."

I nodded my head but suddenly Kyle asked, "Princess, I haven't got my hug yet and you wounded my heart so badly."

He said dramatically, fist his hand and resting on his chest with a sad expression.

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