FULL Never Before Seen Bonus Chapter

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A/N: I know that I posted this before, but only part of it was posted on Wattpad. If you didn't finish reading this chapter on Inkitt then the complete chapter is right here for you to enjoy :). 

I walk down the high school corridors, self-consciously pulling my books closer to my chest. I can't help but to always feel as though people are staring at me even when they're looking away. School is a dangerous place for someone like me, a place where no one else seems to understand that I can't control my struggles.

I push my hair back behind my ear, hoping to make it to my locker unscathed this time. Some mornings here are much easier than others, but I still have to be on high alert.

I reach my locker and breathe out a sigh of relief, usually once I make it here I'm safe until third period. But I've clearly spoken too soon when I open my locker and hear the nickname that I'd been given second grade being yelled from down the hall.

"Hey Disability!" Nathaniel yells at me waving with a few of his friends laughing around him while he walks towards me.

Before I knew better than to get upset about the nickname, I used to cry about it every time I got called it. Which was actually quite a bit. The first time I was called it was on my first day at the new elementary school that I had transferred to. I had been trying to make friends at the time, something I don't do very often anymore, and it backfired on me. I've learned the true value of ignoring people through those experiences. High school students can be rude and immature sometimes, so I've tried not to take any of it to heart.

I shove the rest of my stuff into my locker quickly and turn to look at Nathan as he continues to get closer to me. It's times like these where I wish that I had at least a best friend in this school. Someone who could back me up in my times of need. I've always believed that everyone is a protagonist in their own story, everyone is going through their own struggles. If I'm truly a protagonist in whatever story my life is going to be then shouldn't I have already met my stereotypical partner in crime? The cliche best friend who always has my back in my times of need? Maybe I skipped over that cliche, doomed to not have any real friends for the rest of my natural born life. Maybe I'm not even a real protagonist.

But I know for certain that Nathan is the antagonist.

Nathan plays off the privileged asshole stereotype very well, probably getting it from both of his parents. He gave me the nickname that's been haunting me for years after one of his friends told him that I liked him. Ever since then it's been nothing but bullying and bad blood.

"My Mom told me that your family is coming over for dinner tonight," Nathan says smirking down at me. "I was told to remind you that it's a uptight dinner so you should probably dress up for it. I know you probably don't even know what 'dressing up' looks like, but just throw on a dress and you should be fine."

I stare up at the handsome brunette boy, catching his last insult but pushing it to the back of my mind. I'm more concerned about going to dinner with him tonight. My parents told me that we were going out with some rich family to introduce them to some new company that my dad is working on, but they never told me that it would be Nathan's family. And they most certainly know how I feel about Nathan.

The Girl Who Stutters and The Boy Who MuttersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ