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A formidable crack of thunder makes me flinch as I hurry into the nearest building, my kitten heels clicking on the asphalted path. I scan the warm, brightly lit, and mercifully dry interiors of the bookstore that I've walked into. It's filled with ornamental filament lamps, cozy reading corners with multi-colored love seats, and countless shelves of new books.

I turn to the glass walls that flank the shop's door. A few men and women stand nearby, watching the downpour, their faces filled with concern. The late evening sky is darker than usual as the clouds gather ominously to unleash heavy rainfall.

Staring at the rain, breathing in the smell of books and hot coffee in the air, my mind wanders to Vera.

Between keeping up with unending coursework and trying to rebuild my friendship with her, I had my hands full during my last two years at Ivy University. A new girl moved into my room soon after the suspension, and when Vera finally returned to Ivy, she insisted that she be assigned a new room with another roommate. At first, she made every effort to ignore me, but after a few weeks of my unrelenting attempts, she caved. She never forgave me and we didn't return to our easy bond; a newfound awkwardness and caution had seeped into our conversations. But the sight of her slowly regaining her health and dealing with her issues was consolation enough. Much to my - and my parents' - relief, she chose to return home right after graduation and was taking the time to work on herself under her father's watchful eye.

I know all too well where my mind will go next, and I don't do anything to stop it from going there. Even the smallest, most fleeting thought of Ivy University or Vera - or even random things like a computer or a horror movie - triggers memories of Liam Archer. But I've been thinking of him more than usual ever since yesterday when I found out that he's living in this city, too.

My boxy one-bedroom apartment, the up-and-coming marketing firm where I work, the over-crowded streets full of impatient, no-nonsense people - they're all reminders of his presence. Somewhere under the concrete glamor and underlying grit of this sleepless metropolis, he's here.

I'll call Liam tonight, I think to myself, trying to ignore the anxious, anticipatory flip of my stomach. Has he waited all this while, just like I have? Did he-

"Ma'am?" A timid female voice pulls me out of my reverie.

Turning around, I find a petite woman about my age standing with an empty, bright red shopping basket held tightly within her manicured grasp.

"I'm Lizzie. Can I help you?" she offers, pointing to a rectangular badge on her chest that reads her name in neat black print. "Would you like a basket?"

"Oh, uh, thanks." Caught unaware and flustered, I accept the basket with a smile. I use my free hand to brush off the few rain droplets that still cling to my semi-formal gray dress. Shouldering my purse, I gesture to the aisles stretching before me. "Uh, I'll just have a look around . . ."

I spend the next several minutes walking up and down the aisles closest to the store entrance, picking up a funny cookbook for Mom and Dad, and a highly rated romantic thriller novel for myself. I'm wandering around leisurely, half-listening to the faint piano music playing in the background when the door suddenly swings open. I raise my eyes to the entrance in an involuntary action and drop my basket to the carpeted floor where it lands with a muffled thud.


He takes two steps into the store, running a hand through his wet hair. His dark toffee hair is cut shorter now and a pair of flattering black eyeglasses frames his face, giving him a look of mature handsomeness. I watch in stunned silence as he takes his glasses off, attempting to clean the lenses with the hem of his soaked t-shirt before giving up and pocketing them. Still paralyzed, I'm struck by how different he looks, but at the same time, comforted by the undeniable familiarity of him.

Liam sighs and starts to pull off his jacket - cold and heavy from the torrential rain - when his eyes flit to mine. His gaze lingers on me for a fraction of a second before his entire face transforms. With his jacket still hanging off of one side of his body, he rushes towards me, and I force my limbs to carry me forward, meeting him halfway at the edge of the aisle.

We're standing an inch apart now, but I can't form any words. Liam looks at me as if to say, Is this really happening? I let out an incredulous laugh, I hope so.

Suddenly, the sky releases another almighty clap of thunder that seems to resonate through the building. The very next second, a power outage plunges us into darkness. People react in shock, their soft gasps interrupted by the petrified shriek of a child.

But I don't even flinch at the thunder because Liam's lips have found mine in the darkness. My hands are pressed against the cool fabric of his black t-shirt as he pulls me closer with his arms around my waist. The smell of citrus, the taste of his lips, his heart pounding underneath my palms . . . everything is right again.

We pull apart moments later, and I hear people muttering frantically to one another as they turn on the flashlight of their phones. What's going on? How long do you think it'll last? I'll check the weather app. The store employees rush around, urging people to stay calm and gather near the door.

Liam and I remain rooted to our spot in the unlit aisle, our arms wrapped securely around each other. We aren't afraid of the dark even though we nearly lost ourselves in it on a Friday night almost four years ago.

We aren't afraid because the darkness is where love found us.


The end.

For real this time. ;)

I hope you liked the little reference to Liam's quote on the snowglobe in the end there. He and Carmen definitely deserved a happy ending.

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