Lip Care 💋

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1. Drink Water

Drink up! You should have at least 8 or 9 glasses of water every day—even more if you're super active. Water will keep your body, skin, and lips well-hydrated and looking great!

2. Use a Humidifier

Have you noticed your lips are drier and more chapped in the winter? That's because there's less moisture in the air. Use a humidifier to replace that missing moisture and say goodbye to dry, skin-crippling air. Just make sure to clean your humidifier regularly and replace its filter to avoid bacteria buildup.

3. Kick Bad Habits

Stop licking your lips! What may make your lips feel hydrated in the moment can cause serious damage. Instead, keep a lip balm or Chapstick handy to instantly revive your lips. Another horrible habit for you lips, not to mention your skin and your overall health is smoking. Quit already!

4. Exfoliate

Your lips need exfoliation just like your face. Use an exfoliating product once a week. If they're sensitive, irritated, or have open cracks, wait until they're healed before you exfoliate. Signs of irritation include intense stinging and/or persistent redness.

5. Stay Calm and Balm On

Most balms contain hydrating ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, vitamin E and almond, jojoba or coconut oils which will help instantly moisturize and plump your pout. Vaseline is also a good protectant for your lips and other dry skin areas on your body.

6. Protect

Lips are incredibly susceptible to sunburn since they have very little melanin—the pigment that helps shield your skin from the sun. Without this natural protection, your lips get dry and dehydrated more quickly than other areas of your skin. Keep your lips safe with a layer of beeswax with an SPF of 30 or more. If you are in direct sunlight make sure to re-apply throughout the day.

7. Know Your Product

While matte lipstick may be a hot trend and look just fabulous it can be extremely drying (which is what helps it stay put for so long). So the next time your lips are chapped, opt for gloss instead. Or start with a layer of balm before you apply your matte. Protect before you apply your product.

I know it's been a while it but here's the second chapter.

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