Part 4 | Words;1,900

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[A/N at the end]

| (H/L) = Hair Length | (S/T) = Skin Tone |


Part 4 - 3rd POV

The sound of bare feet slapping the groaning wooden floor and heavy breathing was coming from the (H/C) girl as she dashed down the hallway in a hurry with the feelings of panic, fear, and a need to escape to somewhere safe; somewhere far away from Monika. While (Y/N) turned to the right down the end of the hallway which went two different ways, it didn't take much longer for her to hear the pounding and clicking of heeled school shoes which belonged to the other being whom was Monika.

"Get back here this instant, we still have so much to discuss, so much to plan for our eternity together!" Monika yelled out with a crazed and wicked under-tone laced in her slightly distorted voice as she chased after (Y/N). (Y/N) continued to run down the corridor, turning down another from time to time which had several doors leading into classrooms and other places. (Y/N) inhaled the tense and bleach ridden smelling air sharply as she tried to find a room to hide in or something that may help her escape this nightmare.

The panicked running girl's thoughts seemed to fly chaotically through her mind in flashes not giving her brain anytime to process them all and to think correctly. Monika felt rage build up in her as she was a good distance away from (Y/N). All Monika wanted was for (Y/N) to love her sincerely, was that just too much to ask for?

(Y/N) turned left into another corridor that had a flight of stairs going up and another going down prompting her to halt for a split second then expelling up the thick hard stairs as noiselessly as she possibly could, praying to trick Monika into thinking (Y/N) went down instead of up. Her plan seemed to work as she made it onto the next floor without hearing footsteps hurrying up the stairs but going down them.

(Y/N) let out a quiet low sigh as she breathed in through her mouth to let the air flow through her lungs calmly and began to walk fastly but still calmly enough for only someone close by to hear. Though Monika isn't on (Y/N)'s trail anymore she still needs to be on guard, just in case she does find her again without (Y/N) noticing.

She walked down the silent dim-lit corridor that had the same scent of bleach and other cleaning equipment as the last one (Y/N) ran down only minutes ago. The (S/T), (H/C) haired girl paced her head back in forth between left and right endeavoring to find something useful that will help her in any way. Finally, her (E/C) eyes came to a door with a metal plate that reads in bold lettering 'Control Room 3'.

(Y/N)'s eyes spark up a sense hope in them as she presumed that this could be perhaps a way to find a way out of this wretched place. (Y/N) grabbed the cold metal knob and tried to turn it, but unfortunately for her, the knob stayed still in place. 'Shit, it's locked. I'm going to have to find a key somewhere and quick.' (Y/N) thought to herself as she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. (Y/N) didn't know how long it would take for Monika to find out that she isn't on the same floor as her; (Y/N) needed to hurry.

She began to walk down the hallway again but this time at a quicker pace hoping to find a place where the key may be. (Y/N) continued going straight [unlike her sexuality ;) ] ahead as the light beige concrete of the hallway walls continued onwards, (Y/N) nearly passed a room that had windows displaying the inside of it which had a metal plate on the door stating that the room is the third office. A place where the key could be.

(Y/N) grabbed the cooling steel handle and pushed it open the door gently, once she opened it she stepped into the chilling room and closed the door behind her. There was a total of three other doors located in the office, one leading to the head mister's offices, the second leading to the counselor's office and lastly the third door leading to the vice principle's office. (Y/N) quickly searched the main office for the key but to no avail, it wasn't in here. Next, she scouted the counselor's and the principle's office an merely once again came up clean with no key in hand.

Doki Doki LC- Monika X F!Reader |Love Me & Me Alone|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora