IX: 4:25 AM

73 14 3

Written Message

I write this in case I do not survive the night. I will try to hide it some place where my family or conservation workers may find it, but if not, may whatever gods or spirits exist guide it into friendly hands.

I came to town to meet Cynthia Mattingly and Brent Calhoun at about ten PM on July 23, 2175. My brother found tracks in the woods that morning when searching for Cynthia's sister Olivia, and Cynthia wanted to see them. She brought her boyfriend Brent. I didn't find the prints, but I found other signs and we followed them into the woods. Then we were attacked by this thing in the woods. It was black with red eyes, man-shaped but three meters tall, and it had horns on its head. It spoke a language I've never heard before and fired a red laser-like beam at us, like something from a movie. We ran and it pursued, and Cynthia was injured by its weapon. She's badly burned in her left leg, but we're keeping her moving. Brent and Cynthia can't get messages out on their Interlinks, and my handheld is no better. I'll leave this message where I can; whoever finds it, make sure that it gets into my parents' hands and the police.

William Aucaman

Personal Journal: William Aucaman

07/23/2175 10:41 PM

The thing is still after us. We thought we had lost it when I wrote my message, but we heard it coming after I finished. We had to make a break for it. It let us go again, but I suspect it's still on our tail. We're just going deeper into the forest, and it's tailing us, toying with us like a cat. We've stopped again for Cynthia, but I don't know for how long. She's in a bad way; between her lack of sleep and injury, I'm afraid she might be going into shock. Brent isn't much help either; he keeps wanting to bolt, and I'm afraid he might do it at any moment. Frankly, I need his help.

10:55 PM

We heard it coming again just as I finished writing. We've run as far as we could, but Cynthia collapsed after about five minutes. Brent and I carried her the rest of the ten minutes, and we're as hidden as we could be under a log. Brent keeps looking around frantically and shifting in his seat. I tell him to be quiet, but he says he can't; something is making him move, he says. Some thing.

I hear it coming close now. It's taking no precautions for stealth. It's like it knows where we are all the time and doesn't care.

11:14 PM (Handheld Voice Recording)

It found our last hiding place. As I was writing, we heard a massive crack overhead. It fired its laser gun into the log we were hiding under and left a hole the size of my fist all the way through it. Brent made a break for it; I don't know what's happened to him. It didn't change its pace and kept coming towards our hiding spot. Cynthia wasn't able to run far so I had to turn and fight. I drew my knife and attacked it as it reached the log and Cynthia ran. I think I got a couple of good hits in, but it threw me aside like I wasn't there. I must have been thrown six meters. It pursued Cynthia, and now I'm on its tail. It had about a minute or two head start while I was stunned after it threw me, but it doesn't seem to be in a hurry. I'm carving a spear out of a stick with my knife as I go. It may not be much good, but it's better than nothing.

11:47 PM

It caught up with Cynthia a little after I recorded my last entry. I heard her scream when it reached her. Then it knocked her out and started carrying her back towards me. I hid in the undergrowth and attacked it as it was walking past. I jabbed my spear into its head and face. It screamed like a pig or a hawk and dropped Cynthia. It fired its laser gun in all directions. I tried to stab it, but my stick wouldn't get through its hide, if it is hide and not armor of some kind. I think I blinded it though, because it started flailing its arms and its gun wildly in all directions. In the confusion I managed to drag Cynthia away from it and gained some distance before it started following again, faster this time. I think it was tracking us by sound, because it seemed flummoxed when I stood still or threw things in other directions. It was difficult with Cynthia unconscious over my back, but I managed break away from it and made it to a rock outcrop nearby. I'm hiding underneath it now; Cynthia is still unconscious, but she doesn't seem to be injured badly or concussed.

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