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One - First Date

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It took me two years to move on. Two years to get him out of my heart and mind and finally give someone else a chance. Two years of mending my broken heart and putting the pieces back differently.

I'm done being broken. It's time to heal.

Going out with someone new takes all of me. I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I tell myself I've moved on from the past; it shouldn't hold me back anymore. It's easier said than done, though. Because even as I get dressed and leave my apartment to meet my date, all I want to do is crawl back into bed and binge-watch YOU until I pass out.

Yet, I have to try.

His name is Nathan, he tells me, and I tell him it's a nerdy name. I lie; I kind of like that he's nerdy.

"You can call me Nate instead. That's what my friends call me," he says, smiling. 

I smile, trying to think of the best way to answer. I haven't been on a date in so long and have forgotten what it's like to actually socialize. Aside from a few of my friends, I barely talk to anyone. With college and work taking up most of my time -- and my fear of abandonment standing strong -- I keep to myself. I'm hoping I don't ruin my chance at actual intimacy again.

Nathan returns my smile.

He has a permanent smile on his face, and after the first few minutes, I've grown accustomed to it. And when he gets in line to get us popcorn and coke -- fulfilling his promise of unlimited free snacks -- I take a closer look at his attire. A loose grey hoodie and black jeans, his hair sticking out at odd angles, the freckles on his cheeks -- the boy is definitely cute.

No matter how many times I say it, a fact is a fact.

"So, what do we watch?" he asks me, his arms full of snacks as he peeks closely at the schedule on the wall.

I shrug. "Anything but romance?"

Licking his lips as if to stifle another laugh, he nods solemnly.

We end up watching some stupid action thriller that I picked over the other cheesy romance option. Though neither of us says it, we both regret my choice. 

"Next time, I pick the movie," Nathan a.k.a Nate says to me when we walk out of the movie even before it ends.

The chilly wind bites against my bare arms when we walk out of the cinema. We walk leisurely, side by side on the bustling sidewalk. The streets are bustling with young people, mostly out enjoying what seems to be the last dry Saturday to come in a while; the forecast for the next few weeks is rain, gloom, and an utter lack of sunshine. I like the Pittsburg weather, even more so that I can stay either in bed or in the cafe waiting tables while I chat with Christy behind the counter. It's better than dying of loneliness.

"So, what are you taking in college?" Nate asks.

I look ahead, my hands buried deep in my pockets. "Criminology," I answer.

"Criminology? Interesting choice," he says. "Any particular reason for studying such an unconventional subject?"

"Just liked it, I guess." I shrug. "I've always been fascinated by serial killers."

"Fascinated? You're kidding, right?" 

I shake my head.

"Wow." Nate nods. "You're not like the other girls, are you?"

I roll my eyes. "I hate that concept. Girls aren't a category. Besides, what does this even mean? Not like other girls?"

He laughs again. Why is he always laughing?

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