Ending 1

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"I won't." The boy looks at you worried.

"Why? He set his own parents' death."

"Which is exactly why I won't leave. If I leave, who will he hurt next."

"You can tell The Order. They can fix this."

"And then you will be arrested for being an accomplice. I still care for Vishnal. If my injury was enough to get him like this, someone needs to keep him grounded."

"I see."

"When Clare comes, I will tell her my decision. I also want you to leave with her. Join The Order. That way Vishnal can't get to you without incriminating himself." The boy looks down and you see him shaking slightly holding back tears.

"I am sorry."

"The outcome might of been the same even if you didn't do anything. You have other half-siblings don't you." The boy nods. "Do you care for them?" he nods again. "I will make sure they will be taken care of then.

You dismiss the boy and soon are left with your thoughts. Vishnal indirectly had his parents killed. Fear maybe. Terrified they would pull the same stunt again. It was unforgivable but understandable since your life was in danger, but to drag a young boy into this. Not to mention a boy who shares the same bloodline as him. 

The boy was scared. Terrified. Sending him to The Order was the safest course to protect him without having Vishnal suspect you. What would of happened if you didn't obey your own parents and just went to The Order. Vishnal would be married to some other woman and maintain the nobility's way of thinking.

Later that night Vishnal comes and you maintain your composure and prevent yourself from confronting him about the deaths. You wanted to protect that boy. He was already hurt enough. Vishnal and you are eating in the dining hall when he begins to speak.

"Saintess Clare is visiting in two days. Are you excited to see your friend?"

"Of course I am. She might be very shocked to hear my answer."

"She must be. Especially when you were so adamant about leaving."

"Say Vishnal," you start slowly. "If I were to leave, what would you do?"

"Do whatever is in my power to keep you near me." He says rather darkly. You nod and change the topic. You got your answer. Vishnal would keep you near him regardless of consequences. If that was going to be the case, might as well make it so you were at least comfortable to some extent.

The two days pass slowly and Clare visits along with several officials to discuss the annulment.

"We decided to stay together." you tell her. Clare smiles at you. "I am glad to see you happy." You managed to mask your actual feelings. Who knows, maybe you would be happy with him. He did take care of you well enough. You spend the rest of the afternoon speaking to Clare and soon the boy enters the room.

How guilt ridden he looked. He looked as if he was about to burst into tears. You step in.

"He told me he would like to join The Order. Perhaps there is room for him?"

"How old are you child?" Clare asks him.


"He needs to be at least eighteen but perhaps we can take him in early if his parents are deceased." The discussion continues on and the boy soon leaves with Clare. As you watch them go, Vishnal wraps his arms around you.

"At last F/n. We can finally be at peace together." he says happily.

"Yeah...together." Time. It will take time to figure out how to deal with the mix of emotions in your heart. You care for Vishnal but you can't look at him the same way. With time though, maybe you can overlook his flaws. Just like how he overlooked yours.

Yeh. felt cringy and rushed. Well this is what you get for a book that was accidentally published (I was messing with the preview button since I didn't know how it worked.) & with a storyline not fully developed.

Secrets Behind Scars (Male!Yandere!xReader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu