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A warrior. A girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes ran through the desert, the only thought on her mind is to save the world, and find her friends. Both being impossible, but she knew that if she has any luck left in her, she'd at least find her friends. Taking out her knife from her bag, she surveys her surrounding, and goes to a dark cave, a place she can stay for the night. Right as she gets in the cave, a feeling of the eyes of creatures on her, a chill goes up to her spine. "Well, look who it is." A voice whispers into her ear, jumping she points out the knife, and beside her she sees him. The man, or the creature that betrayed her and her friend.

She scowled at him, "What are you doing here? If you think you can just block me from saving her, you're wrong." She tells him, looking into his poison eyes.

He lets out a laugh, his voice raspy, "You don't understand do you? You don't get the point that I don't want to hurt her. I want her to rule our world. When we destroy the rest of you human scum, I want her to be with me, on my side-"

"As one of you? Cause if you think it'll be that easy to make her one of you, you're wrong. She wouldn't let you-"

"Not unless if she were unconscious." He says, a nasty grin spreading on his now blue lightened face. As the warrior looks at his profile, she sees how he's still the same man she saw fall in love with her best friend, but only on the outside. His gorgeous face still holds the innocence that it did in the castle, but now there's something in his eyes, something that turns her stomach.

"I knew you're a disgusting thing, but I never thought you'd soup down that low. Don't you love her? Even a little bit?" She asks him. "Cause if you kill her I'll-"

It was so sudden, one moment she was standing close to him, now he's pressed her against the cave wall behind her, holding her hands over her head, squeezing her wrists causing great pain as his nails dug into her skin. "You think so low of me? You think I'd hurt her? To answer your question, yes I love her. Should I? No. But now, seeing how she protected you rodents, I saw that she was so close to saving you people, heck she gave herself up for you people. And you know what you did?" He asks, recreating the painful memory in the Warriors eyes, who now tries to hold in her tears, her whole self being in not just physical pain, but also mental, her mind so exhausted. He leans closer to her, his face now so, so close to hers. "You sick coward? You watched her give herself up for you, watched her completely frozen as she walked into the darkness. You don't deserve to live." Then, just before she could respond, the pain that broke everything in her shattered, beginning with the knife connecting with her flesh, and ending in the pool of blood coming from her broken heart.

Jumping up from my bed, tears spilling from my eyes, I come back to reality, my heart racing crazily, then I see a pair of eyes looking back at me.

"Katie come on!" My sister yells at me, dragging me off my bed. Getting up, I begin hearing one of the worst sounds ever.

The fire alarm.

Now completely focused, I open our window, and break the screen, already out the window in a blink, ready for Alli to jump out. She looks at me with terror in her eyes, "I don't think I can jump from here-"

"Come on Alli! There's a fire! You'll be ok, I'll catch you!" I tell her. Finally, she listens and jumps in my arms. Putting her down, I walk to the sidewalk.

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